We'll Found Another Way To Make Money

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Leo's Point

"How long ago was this?" The man in the mask asked

"15 years, so I was eight" I said before signing

"I've done almost nothing but study since then, but I haven't been able to find him so it's starting to get frustrating and disheartening" I said

"If you're looking for this man, then why are you here then?" The man in the mask asked

"I needed money and you don't get a lot of that in revenge" I said.

"Hopefully you can find him one day." The man in the mask said before getting up.

"I should get going now" he said

"Ah yes, but first" I said as I drew my sword.

"You said you weren't kill me" the man in the mask said

"And I don't plan on it, however I can let it look like I just let you go" I said

"Fair enough" he said

"You seem like a nice guy. I hate to defeat and humaniate you" I said

"You seem like a nice guy. I hate to be defeated and humaniatd" he said as he drew his own sword.

"Go!" I yelled and we lunged at each other after a few minutes I began to notice he had the upper hand but I was using my left hand

"Your an amazing fighter" I said

"Thank you, I've worked several years to become so" He said

"I not afraid to admit your much better then me" I said with a smirk as he back me into a wall and I struggled to keep up.

"Really? Why are you smirking then?" He asked

"Because, I'm not left handed" I said as I swapped to my right hand.

"You're amazing!" He said after a few minutes of me now pushing him back

"I have been studying for 15 years, I'd be disappointed if I wasn't" I said as I pinned his sword arm down on some broken old ruins

"Guess I should tell you something now" he said

"What?" I asked before he shoved me off.

"I'm also not left-handed" he said as he effortly swapped to his right hand

There's something I ought to tell

He began to get the upper hand and I was amazed at just how good he was.

"Who in the world are you?!" I asked

"If I want you to know I won't have a madk on" He said

"Oh come on" I said

"Nope" he asked

The fight continued until he knocked me sword out of my hand and into his then pointed both sword at me

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked

"An artist like you? I would whether destroy a stained glass window, but you did say he didn't want it to look like you let me get away" He said before hitting me over the head and then everything went black.

Frank's Point

"He didn't kill him!? Inconceivable!" Octavian yelled as we saw the man with the mask running our way

"Put him down. Looks like I have to go on ahead while you take care of him" Octavian said

"How?" I asked

"Your way, turn into something big and throw one of the large rocks at his head!" Octavian yelled and then turned to leave before I could say anything

"That's not my way" I said to myself before I sat down on a boulder and waited.

I didn't wait long before he made it to me.

"Did you hurt him?" I asked

"I only knocked him out" The man in the mask said

"You know, I was told to throw one of those rock at you" I said as I gestured to rocks that were from 2 to 4 foot in size.

"And are you going to?" He asked now looking cautious

"Are you here for the prince?" I asked

"I am" he said

"Do you plan on killing him?" I asked

"I don't plan on harming him at all" he said

"Then no, I'm not going to throw one at you" I said as I got up.

"Your not going to do anything?" He asked

"When I took this job I wasn't told we would be killing anyone innocent" I said before walking past him

Nico's Point

Octavian pulled me along until we came to an opening then he pushed me down on to a rock.

"Sit there and be quite" he said.

Octavian then set down a bag he had been carrying and started to go through it.

As he was distracted I moved my hands to see how how tight the rope was to discover they were a lot looser then I had thought so as Octavian started to set up a makeshift table on a nearby boulder I began working one wiggling my hands free. Unfortunately Octavian noticed before I could get free and grabbed my hands

"What do you think your doing?" He asked.

He then looked over the rope and sighed in frustration

"They can't even tie someone properly" he said before he tighten the rope making in cut into my wrist a little.

"Now you're going to sit there and be quite!" Octavian yelled before he put a blindfold over my eyes that was see-through.

He then went back to his bag and pulled out some bread, cheese, a bottle of wine and two goblets and placed them down on his boulder table.

After sitting down he pulled out a dagger and started to cut the cheese and rip pieces of the bread off and as he ate he began to tease me knowing full well that I hadn't eaten since I'd been captured.

After a little the man who had been following us showed up and Octavian moved his dagger to my throat.

"Looks like it's down to me and you" Octavian said

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