The Pit Of Despair

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I'd like to apologize in advance as this is not a fun chapter

Will's Point

I woke strapped to a table of some kind, my shirt was gone and a man standing over me tending to my wounds.

The man had hair that looked like a brown mop that hung over his green eyes and a broken looking nose.

"Who are you and were am I?" I asked

"Bryce Lawrence" The man said with a sinister smile

"And your in the Pit of Despair. I wouldn't brother trying to escape, the chains holding you are far to strong. And there's no need to think you'll be rescued. This is a secret place and only Luke, the Princess Drew and I know how to get here" Bryce said

"So I'm being kept here until I die" I said

"Well, until they decide to kill you" Bryce said with a smile

"If that's the case then why are you tending to my wounds?" I asked

"Luke and The Princess Drew insist on all prisoners being healthy before they break them, it's more fun that way. At least I find it more fun" Bryce said

"So, I'm to be tortured?" I asked and Bryce nodded

"I can handle torture" I said and Bryce Shoock his head.

"Don't think I can?" I asked

"Well, you did make it through the fire swamp so you have to be brave but I've never seen anyone withstands The Machine." Bryce said

In the pits of Despair there were no windows or anything that let you see the time so I could only guess what time it was.

Bryce spent what I guessed was the rest of the night cleaning me up and feeding me nectar until I was as he put it "good to go"

After several more hours Luke the very man who had knocked me out showed up.

"You're looking well" Luke said

"Skip the pleasantries" I spat

"Is this the thanks I get for making sure you're fit and healthy?" Luke asked

"You really want me to thank you for getting me ready for torture?" I asked

"Where is Nico?!" I spat again

"He's fine, for now that is" Luke said

"You think your strong enough to hurt him? My Fiancé could kill you with a snap of his fingers" I said

"Fiancé? Don't you realize he's marrying someone else?" Luke asked

"He would never, unless he was being forced to" I said

"I would love to continue talking but I've got work to do" Luke said before he turned to Bryce

"Roll him over to the machine" Luke said

Bryce grabbed the table at my feet and pushed me over to something I have no idea what was.

"You see this? This took me half my lifetime to build. I assume you know my interest in pain. Right now I'm writing about this and how it affects subjects, so I would like you to be as honest as you can about how it makes you feel. Luke said.

"And since this is your first time on the machine I'll start on the lowest setting" Luke said as he pointed over to a lever that could move up to 50.

"So your not torturing me for information, your just doing it for fun?" I asked

"For science" Luke said.

Luke put some weird kind of metal device that had a tube attached to each side onto my head, he then placed suction cups that were attached to the end of the tubs against my temples. Once he made sure it was secured he took four other rubes with suction cups and placed two on either side of my chest then placed the last to on either side of my lower abdomen.

"Now, remember I need you to tell me how you feel so I can write it down" Luke said before he walked over to the lever and moved it up to 1.

I heard the sound of rushing water and not long after I felt the most excruciating pain throughout my body the feeling was indescribable.

I did everything I could to not scream out in pain but I couldn't stop my body as it writhed.

After what felt like forever everything stop, everything but the pain. even though it had lessened it was still very much there.

"As I'm sure you know the whole concept of the suction pump has been around for centuries. That all this really is only it sucks away life, not water. I just took a year of life from you and someday I might just go up to five, but I'm not sure how you would react to that, so for now I just go with what I have. So tell me how do you feel? And do remember to be honest" Luke said

I laid there in pain just barely aware Luke was talking and after he finished I heard someone sobbing and it took me a moment to realize that person was me

"Interesting" Luke said


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