Game Of Wits

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I sat there with a dagger to my throat as the man in the mask took a step closer.

"Moving closer only if you want him dead" Octavian said

"Let's talk" The man said

"About what? Your here to take what I rightfully stole" Octavian said

"I'm sure there's an arrangement we can agree on" He said as he took a cautious step forward

"Yeah, that fact that you're killing him!" Octavian yelled as he pressed the dagger into my neck more.

"So we're at an impasse then" he said

"Well, I cannot beat you physically, and there's now way you can beat my brain" Octavian said.

"You really think you're that smart?" The man asked

"Please, I could beat Minerva herself with my wits" Octavian said and I had to hold back my laughter, I mean this is the guy who didn't understand what inconceivable actually meant but if I laughed I could die since he had a dagger to my throat.

"Then how about a battle of wits?" The man asked

"Winner gets the prince?" Octavian asked and the man nodded

"I accept. but know this, this is to the death" Octavian said

"I'm surprised your so eager to die" The man said

"It's you who'll be dead" Octavian said with a laugh.

"We'll see, fill the goblets" The man said.

Octavian filled both goblets with wine then the Man extended his hand out in a may I gestured and Octavian put his dagger away Which I was glad of.

The Man In the mask then walked over and sat down on a log crossed from us and pull out a small vial, unstoppable it and handed it to Octavian

"Smell, but make sure not to touch the contents" The man said

Octavian took the vial and smelled it then handed it back to the man.

"That is iocane powder. You can't smell it because it is odorless. it's also
tasteless and dissolves instantly in any
liquid. This is one of the more deadlier poisons known to man." The man said before he picked up both goblets then turn so that we couldn't see and we he turned back he tossed the vial to the ground and set the goblets down.

"Let the game of wits start" The man said

"So I have to guess which one has the poison?" Octavian asked

"It all ends when you decide where the poison is and we both drink" The man said

"And the loser is the one who dies" Octavian said with a smile and the man nodded

"This is to easy" Octavian said

"Is it now?" The man asked

"Yes, all I have to do is decide what kind of man you are, the one who puts poison in his own goblet or is enemy's" Octavian said

"You might have put the poison in your own goblet thinking that only a fool would take what he was given but I am no fool so, I can't drink the one next to me. Then again, you might have counted on me thinking so and put the poison in your goblet so I can't drink the one next to you" Octavian said proudly

"So, you know which one you're talking?" The man asked

"Not yet! Because I know that only criminals deal with incane. And criminals know people don't trust them, like I don't trust you so I can't drink the one next to you"

"You truly do have intellect" The man said

"I haven't even started! Where was I again?" Octavian asked

"Criminals" the man said

"Yes, criminals, and you would
have guessed I know the origin of the powder, so I obviously can't drink the one next to me" Octavian said

"If you stalling so that you can find a way to trick me into giving you a hint it's not going to work" The man said

"You say that but it's already worked!
And I know exactly which one has the poison" Octavian said

"Then choose" The man said

"I will right after-" Octavian said before stopping and pointing behind the Man In the mask

"What is that thing!" He yelled

"What?" The man asked as he looked behind him and while his back was turned Octavian switched the goblets

"Oh, nevermind. I think it was a bird or something" Octavian said while snickering

"Why are you laughing?" The man asked

"I'll tell you after we drink, each from there own goblet" Octavian said

They both grabbed the goblet in front of them and drank then the man in the mask looked Octavian in the eyes

"Wrong choice" The man said and Octavian started to laugh even more

"Oh but it's not! I switched the goblets!"

"Seriously, everyone knows not to fall for the "What is that" trick" I said with a sigh

"Oh, I only looked because it didn't matter" The man said as he took another drink

"But your goblet is poisoned!" Octavian said still laughing

"Yes, and so is yours" The man said and Octavian looked at him with fear before he fell to the ground.

The man came straight over to me and took the blindfold off then started to cut the rope around my wrist

"If Iocane is one of the most deadly poisons, and both drinks were poisoned how are you still alive?" I asked

"I built up a immunity to it, you'd be surprised how many people have tried to poison me" The man said

"Who in the world are you?" I asked

"Someone no one should ever trifle with and that is all you need to know" The man said as he finished cutting the rope.

I looked down at the red marks left by the rope and started to rub then to help the blood flow back into my hands.

"Wipe your neck" The man said as he handed me a cloth and I realized then that I had a small cut from the knife.

"Um, thanks?...but I think I'm fine" I said not sure if I should trust a guy who just poisoned someone

"We need to move" The man said as he grabbed one of my hands and started to run and I swear he almost looked mad as he looked at my neck and wrist

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