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Get your tissues

Drew's Point

"What's the report on The Thieves' Forest?" I asked as the head guard walked into my office

"It has been emptied as you ordered and I have 30 men guarding the gate" The Head Guard said

"I want you to double your men" I said

"Double them?" The Head Guard asked

"The life of my prince is at risk, so yes double them" I said

"As you command, but there is only one key to the gates and I won't give it up" The Head Guard said right as Nico walked in.

"My dear. We are marrying tonight and then tomorrow all of my ships will accompany us and keep us safe on our honeymoon" I said

"Every ship?" Nico asked with a raised eyebrow

"Of course" I said

"So, you didn't send your four fastest?" Nico asked and I realized my mistake.

"Oh, I wasn't counting them" I said

"Don't try that, I know your lying. I also had a feeling you were never going to send ships, so I sent my own people" Nico said

"Your being ridiculous" I said

"The only thing that's ridiculous is the fact that the people actually believe your a good kind hearted leader. but you have no heart" Nico said

"Watch what you say" I spat

"Why? You think you can hurt me? You think you can separate Will and I? Well you can't because our love is stronger then anything you could ever feel in your heartless soul" Nico said

"I told you to watch what you say!" I yelled before I grabbed his upper arm and dragged him out of my office and then threw him into his room and slammed the door.

"Make sure he doesn't leave" I told a guard before I left.

I got my horse from the stables then rode off into the forest and to the tree the lead down to the pit of despair.

After opening the secret door I ran down and over to Will who was strapped to a table

"You have true love, do you know how many people get that chance? Your love is strong enough that you could have been truly happy and no couple ever get that chance, not one in a century even if the storybooks tell you they do. So I'm going to make sure that you will suffer worse then any man in a century" I said before I pushed the lever all the way up to 50

"No! Not 50!" Luke yelled but it was to late.

I watched with glee as the power of the machine hit Will and his body arched up in pain, he thrashed and screamed louder then anyone ever has after only a few moments the machine stopped and Will fell limp.

"What is wrong with you!" Luke yelled

"He was going to spoil our plan!" I yelled

"How?! He's been strapped to a table!" Luke yelled

"Nico's on to us! He sent people to find him, what happens when they find him here?!" I asked

"Look, no one knows about this place besides the three of us" Luke said

"We can't take any chances" I said

"Now I need you back at the palace" I said before looking over at Bryce

"Dispose of the body" I said.

Leo's Point

We had made it out of the thieves forest and were walking through town.

"So where are we heading?" Frank asked

"We need to find the man in the mask" I said

"But we don't have any idea where he could be" Frank said.

"I don't want to hear that! For twenty years I've wanted to avenge my mother's death and now that I know where he is I will find him and he will die!" I said

"Now let's go to the last place you saw the man in the mask" I said

Then I stopped walking because I thought I had heard something

"Did you hear that?" I asked

"What?" Frank asked

"It sounded like faint screaming from somewhere far away" I said

"I did, but it was so faint that I thought my mind was playing tricks with me until you mentioned it" Frank said

"We need to hurry, for all we that could have been the man in the mask" I said

"Excuse me. We need to get through" I said as we tried to make our way through the crowd of people

"Ok, if people don't move I'm going to set something on fire!" I said in frustration

"EVERYONE MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Frank yelled and the crowd parted

"Thanks" I said to Frank

"I didn't want to die" Frank said and I remembered his dislike of fire.

"Right, I wasn't actually going to start a fire" I said

"I wasn't going to risk it" Frank said.

We walked until we got to the last place Frank had seen the man in the mask

"I saw your guy go that way with him, but there were so many soldiers in the trees that I didn't dare follow" Frank said as he pointed

I was about to start walking when there was the sound of wheels and after a moment a man with a wheelbarrow came into view in the distance.

I placed a finger to my lips to signal that we needed to be quiet then I pointed at the man and waved for Frank to follow as I started to walk.

Aa we get close to the man I gestured for Frank to grab him and Frank grabbed the sleeve of his shirt making him drop the wheelbarrow and turn around

"Who are you?" The man asked

"Where is the man in the mask?" I asked

"Man In the mask?" The man asked

"He has tan skin, blue eyes and blonde hair" Frank said and for a moment there was recognition on the man's face

"I don't know who your talking about" The man said.

"Frank, could you jog his memory?" I asked.

Frank hit him up side the head and he fell to the ground.

"Sorry, guess I hit him a little to hard" Frank said.

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