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Yes I changed the ending from the movie but I'm sorry you can't tell me that the bad guy gets stabs and dies almost Instantly while the good guy gets stabbed walks away, down halls, up stairs into a room, chats, jumps out a window! And is pretty fine becausehis holdinghis wound........ also I wanted to add a little extra so here is the last Chapter 

Nico's Point

"Quickly lay him on the table" the man said to Frank. As Frank laid Leo down the man looked over at me.

"You can sit on the chairs over there" He said pointing at two chairs on either side of a table. I sat Will down on one then pulled the other one next to him and sat down.

"Something about you seems familiar" Will said looking at the man as he ran about grabbing things he needed

"I'm not surprised. I'm Asclepius son of Apollo" Asclepius said

"Apollo? Then you're my-" Will started to say before Asclepius finished his sentence

"Brother" Asclepius said glancing back with a quick smile before he went back to tending to Leo.

"That's the main reason I healed you. Normally I don't heal for free" Asclepius  said

Will's head fall to my shoulder and although I was sure if he had meant it or if he just couldn't hold it up anymore  I was happy.

I wrapped an arm around Will and pulled he a little closer and gently rested my head on his and I could he was smiling from it.

"So is Leo going to be ok?" Frank asked

"Lucky for you you have a habit of getting people to me right before it's to late" Asclepius said

"Are you saying that Will could have died if they didn't get him to you when they did?" I asked

"No, he would have" Asclepius said and I suddenly had a new found application  for Frank and Leo.

"Nico, I'm fine" Will said gently and it was then I realized I had been holding him a little to tight

"Sorry, I just.....I guess that explains why it felt like you were...." I started to say been I couldn't bring myself to say the rest.

"I'm sorry I scared you like that" Will said

"No, I shouldn't have left your side" I said

"You did so to protect me" Will said sweetly

"And look what good that did" I said bitterly

"What good it did? His alive isn't he?" Frank said and I had to admit he had a point.

I sat with Will in silence the rest of the night as Asclepius worked on Leo with Frank every now and again running to grab something for him.

At some point Will fell asleep and Asclepius told me to take him to the bed in the back room so I pick him up and walked to the room which had a simple bed and laid him down.

"Stay" Will said as I moved my arms away

"I didn't mean to wake you" I said as I laid down next to him but he didn't respond.

"What would I do without you?" I said softly as I brushed a blonde curl out of his face.

"He's awake" Asclepius said waking me up and the funny thing was I didn't even remember falling asleep.

"Is he ok?" Will asked suddenly bolting up.

"He'll be fine" Asclepius said

Will quickly got out of bed and stumbled to the floor making me jump out of bed and run to his side.

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