Not Real, Thank The Gods!

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Nico's Point

I shot up in bed covered in sweat and breathing heavy.

Everything that had happened since I got back had been a dream, no a nightmare.

I hated everything about what I had dreamed except that it had made clear just how much Will meant to me.

I quickly got out of bed and left the room to go have a talk with Drew. On the way to her office I saw a servant

"Excuse me, how is the king?" I asked

"He's still unwell, but he seemsto be a little better today" The Servant said

"Thank the gods!" I said. This meant that the king was still alive and that everything truly was just a horrible dream

I continued to make may way to Drew's office and walked in without knocking

"I can't marry you, I love Will and if I have to betray him like by marrying another you'll only find me dead" I said

"Well then, our wedding is off" Drew said

"You keep saying that- wait what?" I asked in complete confusion

"I don't want to see you in pain so it's off" Drew said

"What happened to you'll grow to love me and everything will be alright?" I asked

"I was hoping that would be the case but I'd rather let you go then see you die" Drew said then she paused for a moment before she continued

"You want him, but are you sure he wants you?" Drew asked

"Of course I am" I said a little angry at her accusation.

"You did what I told you?" Drew asked looking over at Luke

"Yes" Luke said

"Then we'll just sent someone to him and tell him to come get you. But do be warned pirates are not trustworthy or honest people and they tend to mess with people only for their own benefit" Drew said

"Will would never play with someone's emotions and I trust him with my life" I said raising my voice as I got even angrier

"Then let's make a deal" Drew said

"What kind of deal?" I asked

"You four identical letter to this man and I'll send my four fastest ships in each direction to find and deliver them to him. If he dose want you he'll come and I'll let you go, but if he doesn't you marry me" Drew said.

"Fine deal, but only because this is already a dead deal" I said

"It's settled then" Drew said a little to happy for my liking.

"Yes" I said before I walked out.

"I walked back to my "room" and sat down to write the letters only I made 8 copies instead of 4.

Once I was done I made my way out of the palace and out to the back garden and once I knew I was where no one could see me I summoned four skeletons

"I don't trust Drew. Each of you go a different direction to find Will. One of you will go north, one east, then south and the last west. tell Will that I need him and hand him this letter" I said handing each one of them a copy of the letter.

"....and try not to let anyone see you" I added and they nodded before they all ran off.

Drew's Point

"Your prince sure is something" Luke said after Nico had left

"I know, the people seem to really like him, but it's odd when I had Octavian hired to murder him I didn't think he would fail and that I would have to strangle him on our wedding night. But I guess it doesn't matter who kills him because our enemy will be blamed for it and then we'll have our war" I said

"Did you want to come with me to the pit?" Luke asked

"I'm not going to go in but I'll walk with you" I said

I walked with Luke to the stables were we had the stable boy perpair our horses then we rode off to a deep put of the forest and dismounted at a large knotted tree.

"Now, I just need to find the secret knot" Luke said as he looked and felt around the tree until a door opened in the trunk that had a descending staircase.

"There it is!" Luke said.

"Are you sure you don't want to come down to the pit? Bryce has been feeding our prisoner nectar and treating his wounds since last night and his now ready for the machine" Luke said

"Luke, as much as I would love to watch you work I'm very busy. I have the country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding details to finish, my husband to murder and our enemy to blame for it. I'm booked" I said

"Make sure and rest, you can't do anything if you don't take care of your health" Luke said before he began his descent down the staircase.

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