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After Leo took out all of the men but Luke and Luke ran Leo followed him.

"Should we follow him?" Frank asked

"This is his fight" I said

"Where do we go then?" Frank asked

"I need to find Nico" I said

"Do you have any idea as to where he might be?" Frank asked.

"I'd try his room first, it should be somewhere...." I said pausing for a moment as I thought

"Down that hall" I said with a head nod since I couldn't point.

"How do you know?" Frank asked

"I was watching this place when I found out Nico was here so that I could make a plan on how to get him out" I said

"But then we kidnapped him" Frank said

"Right" I said

"Frank!" Leo yelled loudly

"That doesn't sound good" I said

"What!?" Frank yelled

"I need help! I can't get back this door!" Leo yelled

"What about Will!?" Frank asked

"Go" I said

"But-" Frank started to say before I cut him off

"He needs help, I'll be fine" I said

"Frank, please! I can't lose him!" Leo yelled

Frank carefully set me down on a bench

"I'll be right back" Frank said.

"I'll really be fine" I said and Frank ran off the help Leo.

I sat there for only a moment slumped against the wall before I rolled myself to the floor.

I knew Frank had been helping me and that he was worried leaving me in the condition I was in but I couldn't just wait for him to come back since I didn't know how long it would take him to help Leo.

With great difficulty I slowly crawled in the direction of Nico's room. Luckily I was able to move my arms a little so that helped even if it was only a little.

After searching for a good while while also avoiding some guards I was able to make it to Nico's room. How did I know for sure this one was his? Because it's said Prince's chambers

I was glad to find that the door wasn't all the way closed making it easier for me to enter.

I crawled into the empty room and lend myself against the side of the bed and caught my breath while my muscles screamed at me from using them to much in my condition.

I didn't sit there long before a devastated looking Nico walked into to the room he then summoned his dagger and raised it in the air like he was going to stab himself.

"You know there's not many perfect men in the world. It would be sad to see one go" I said and Nico looked down at me with disbelief and dropped his dagger before running over to me and throwing himself at me and kissing me deeply

"I thought you were dead, I-I felt it" Nico said in between sobs as he kissed me and I wanted nothing more then to pull him into my arms

"Nico, please careful" I said as my muscles began to hurt even more

"Careful? I thought you were dead" Nico said but when he pressed down on my leg And I let out a small scream of pain he pulled away and took a good look at me for the first time.

"What happened?" Nico asked with a mix of sympathy and anger in his tone as he very gently run his fingers over the marks lift by the machine

"It's a long story" I said

Nico gently laid against me.

"I'm sorry" he said not looking me in the eyes.

"For what?" I asked

"You were suffering while I went and got married" Nico said

"You didn't get married" I said

"Will, the priest said man and wife" Nico said now looking at me

"So when he asked if you, do you said yes?" I asked

"No, Drew made him skip that part" Nico said

"If you didn't say I do, then your not married l" I said

"Isn't that right?" I said looking at Drew as she walked in with a sword which made Nico look back

"The people believe we're married and that's all that matters" Drew said before she narrowed her eyes at me

"I was sure I had killed you" Drew said

"You thought wrong" I said

"Well, I won't make that mistake again" Drew said raising her sword

"Now, to the death" She said pointing her sword at me.

"No. We fight to the pain" I said

"I'm sorry, but what is to the pain?" Drew asked

"Allow me to explain, and do worry I'll make sure and use small words so that your ugly hag like face and stupid brain can understand" I said

"You are the first person who has insulted in like that" Drew said

"With to the pain it I won't be the first believe me. First you lose
will be your feet, below the
ankles, then your hands at the
wrists, next your nose-" I begin to say before Drew cut me off.

"Let me guess my tongue is next? I'm going to make sure you die this time"

"Don't interrupt, I wasn't done. the next
your going lose will be your left
eye, followed by your right-" I began again but Drew cut me off again as she took a step closer

"Then my ear, can we just get this over already? Drew asked

"No! You don't loss your ears. you keep them, you keep them so that you can hear the shriek and scream of everyone that see you and your hideousness each and every one will be yours to remember for the rest of your life and that is why it is call to the pain because that is all you'll feel" I said

"Your bluffing" Drew said

"Maybe, too your luck I'm only sitting here because I have no strength" I said

"My fiance may have no strength" Nico said putting emphasis on my fiance as he stood up and turned so he was fully facing Drew.

"But I can still fight. So drop your sword before you lose the hand holding it" Nico said his voice full of rage as he raised his dagger

Drew stared at him in fear and dropped her sword

"Sit" Nico said pointing at a chair with his dagger and Drew quickly sat in the chair then Nico tied her to the chair by ripping the jacket he had on.

"Do you know how much that was?!" Drew yelled but one glare from Nico and she shut up.

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