We lost Frank

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Leo's Point

Luke slowly walked towards me as he stared at my face.

"Your that Hispanic brat from all those years ago aren't you?" Luke asked as he looked at my scars.

"Have you spent all these years looking for me? Looking for revenge?" Luke asked as he stood right in front of me

"It must feel horrible to do so much only to fail" Luke said as he tried to stab me in the chest but I moved his sword with mine and he stabbed my left shoulder instead

"Do you honestly still think you can win?" Luke asked before he tried to stab me again but I moved his sword again making it stab my right shoulder.

I moved my free hand to the dagger in my stomach and slowly pulled it out then I placed my hand over the wond and stood up with much difficulty as my body screamed at me in pain.

"You have a high want fot vengeance, today it will kill you" Luke said as he aimed his next strike at my heart

I staggered as I blocked his attempt again and his sword sliced my left arm instead.

Before he could attempt to attack again I swung my sword at him and he stumbled back with a look of surprise as he just barely blocked.

I stepped forward and raised my sword at Luke while clutching my wound

"Hello.....My name....is Leo Valdez, you killed my mother.....prepare to die" I said between painful breaths.

Luke quickly over came his surprise and lunged at me

Luke tried to get the upper hand, he tried get a hit in but I blocked every one  of them now.

Luke stepped back and stopped for a moment to catch his breath and I stared  him down

"Hello My name is Leo Valdez, you killed my mother prepare to die" I said before I swung my sword at him again.

Not once was Luke able to hit me and as the fight went on I slowly got more of the upper hand

"Hello My name is Leo Valdez, you killed my mother prepare to die!" I said louder as he blocked my blows.

"Will you shut up!" Luke yelled as he swung down with his sword.

"HELLO MY NAME IS LEO VALDEZ, YOU KILLED MY MOTHER PREPARE TO DIE!" I yelled loudly as I blocked his sword then knocked it out of his hand.

I slowly walked closer then stabbed him in his left shoulder right where he had stabbed me

"No" Luke said

"You want to live?" I asked as I stabbed his right shoulder again where he had stabbed me.

"Yes" Luke said

"You'll do anything?" I asked cutting his right cheek with my sword

"Anything" Luke said

"You'll give me money?" I asked cutting his other cheek

"Yes" Luke said

"You'll give me power" I asked stepped so that I was inches away

"I'll give you everything I have, everything you ask for" Luke said

"Then give me my mother back, los hijo de puta!" I said angrily as I stabbed him right in the heart.

Luke looked up with shock and fear for a moment before he collapsed unmoving on the floor.

After I watched him fall I wanted to collapse myself but I managed to keep myself up by reminding myself that I wasn't the only person who came here.

I slowly stagerd out of the room back the way I had come in search for Frank and Will.

After what felt like several hours but was most likely only one hour if not half an hour I heard Will's voice coming from inside a room and walked towards it.

"Maybe, too your luck I'm only sitting here because I have no strength" Will said

"My fiance may have no strength" Nico said putting emphasis on my fiance and his tone showed how angry he was.

"But I can still fight. So drop your sword before you lose the hand holding it" Nico said and I heard a sword fall to the ground

"Sit" Nico said before there was the sound of something ripping

"Do you know how much that was?!" Came a woman's voice as I got to the door and walked in

"You" Nico said as he locked eyes with me then he swung his sword and I just barely moved out of the way

"Nico!" Will yelled

"What? He's one of the people who kidnapped me" Nico said

"He never wanted to hurt you, and besides I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him" Will said

"What do you mean?" Nico asked

"Me and Frank found him in a tree mostly dead and got him help" I said raising my hand that wasn't clutching my stomach in a I mean no harm way and it was then that Will seemed to notice my condition

"Oh my Gods!" Will said as he tried to stand up.

"What are you doing?" Nico asked looking at Will.

"His hurt, I need to heal him" Will said as he managed to push himself up but then his legs collapsed under him. Luckily Nico caught him before he hit the floor

"I never thought I'd say this to you" Nico said with a slight chuckle as he emphasized I'd and you.

"Say what?" Will asked

"No using your powers, your not strong enough and you need to conserve your energy" Nico said

"You enjoyed that to much" Will said

"Maybe" Nico said

"Sooo, where's Frank?" I asked as I walked in and past one of the windows to lend against the beds headboard.

"Was he not with you?" Will asked

"He lift after helping me with the door" I said.

Frank's Point

"Thanks" Leo said after I had knocked down the door and then he immediately ran in so I figured he was done needing my help and went back to where I had left Will only to see an empty seat.

"Will?" I asked in a whisper but I got no response.

"Will?" I asked just a little louder as I looked down a hall but I still got no response.

"This can't be good" I said quietly to myself

I spent a good time in a panic looking only to end up outside by a stables

I was about to walk back in when I saw Leo walk past a window on the second floor clutching his stomach.

I quickly transferred into a bird and flew up and then dived to the window transforming into a Crocodile right before I hit the window so that the tough skin would protect me from the breaking glass.

As I landed inside the room I saw a woman tied to a chair who screamed I also saw Nico pull Will away as they both let out a yelp of surprise and then I saw Leo who had fallen onto the bed

"Hey, Frenk" Leo said unfazed

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