The Worst Feeling

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Hope you still have your tissues

Nico's Point

I walked over to the bed a sat down to think.

Drew thought she could just lock me in a room and I wouldn't be able to leave but she was wrong. But before I left I needed a plan.

I needed to find Will but I didn't know how to navigate the sea, unfortunately I knew someone who did and that came with two problems. Problem 1 it would take all of my energy to shadow travel to where he lived, and problem 2 was that the last time I had seen him I had told him I had a crush on him as a kid. But I would just have to risk the exhaustion and awkwardness so that I could find Will's ship.

I grabbed a small bag and pack some essentials then I shadow traveled to the kitchen scaring the royal cook

"Don't mind me, just grabbing some food" I said as grabbed some dried meat, a wedge of cheese and some fruit.

"" The Royal Cook started to ask but I shadow travel away and outside to say farewell to my horse.

The moment I appeared I was hit with the worst feeling in the world, it was the feeling of death.

It wasn't the strongest feeling of death but there was no doubt it was there.

Back when I had been told that Will had died at sea I didn't feel his death. But now that was all I felt, his life draining away.

Every plant from the grass to the trees died around me as I fell to the ground screaming and sobbing.

I don't know how long it was before a guard found me.

"Are you alright, your highness?" The Guard asked

"Get away" I said softly

"Your highness?" The Guard asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder and tried to help me up

"GET AWAY!" I screamed at him as I smacked his hand away and skeletons began to pop out of the ground.

The guard ran away screaming and yelling for help and a few moments after several new guards came over and started to fight off the skeletons to try and get to me not knowing that I had made them appear. but for every one they took out I made two more appear to keep them away.

The more I made appear the weaker I felt. I started seeing spots in my vision and fell to my knees then I passed out from exhaustion.

I woke on a bed in my oh so great palace bedroom with Oh so great Drew by my bedside.

"Thank goodness your wake, everyone was so worried" Drew said as she reached out to touch my hand but I jerked it away.

"Don't touch me" I said

"My dear, what has you so upset? You should be happy on your wedding day" Drew said

I didn't bother responding instead I just rolled to my side and pulled the blanket over my head.

I felt numb in almost every sense the only feeling I had was the persistent feeling of death that seemed to consumed the man I loved.

"Keep an eye on the prince, and help him get ready when the time comes" Drew said before I heard her walk away.

A part of me wanted to shadow travel away while another part thought what was the point? I had lost everything again.

I stayed in bed silence tears rolling down my cheeks until a servant pulled the blanket off and pulled me up into a sitting position.

"Time to get ready" The Servant said and when I showed no signs of moving he grabbed the outfit I was meant to wear and set it beside me then he proceeded to help me dress and once he was done he combed my hair and pulled it back into a low ponytail when all this was done the feeling of death left leaving me completely numb.

"Come, let's get you to the chapel" The Servant said as he walked me out of the room, down a few halls and into the chapel.

After a few moments music started to play and I assumed the Drew was walking down the aisle but I didn't bother to look even when she got to my side.

This is one of the funniest parts in the movie but I made it more normal cause I can't do it justice.

"Marriage is a blessing, a wonderful blessing that brings as all together on this day" The Priest said

"Do you have any vows?" The Priest asked

"Just skip the vows" Drew said

"Alright then" The Priest said sounding a little confused

"Do you, Drew Tanaka take-" The Priest began to say but Drew cut him off

"Yes, yes, yes just hurry up" Drew said impatiently waving her hand

"Do you-" The Priest began but was again cut off by Drew.

"Just say man and wife already!" Drew yelled

"Man and wife" The Priest said and Drew grabbed my arm and dragged me away then practically through me at one of the guards.

"Take him to his room, then perpair the ships for the honeymoon" Drew said.

The guard nodded then lend me to my room and left me there.

Everything had happened so fast and I was in such a daze that I didn't realize what I had done until now and once I realized I felt even worse then before.

I summoned my sword and looked at it for a moment before I raised it in the air but I dropped it as someone spoke from behind me.

I may not write for a little as I'll be Distracted by The Sun and the stars book


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