Will you marry me?! Part II

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Hanji was currently lying on the floor, rolling around, and screaming unintelligible things. Why? Well, because she couldn't handle the sight of her best work! Eren dressed as a girl!! It was easy, breezy, beautiful, Covergirl material. Most importantly: Eren was that lovely mix of sexy and cute that every girl wishes they could be! Well, every normal girl wishes they could be. Well, actually, just a select few girls wish they could be. Okay. Lemme stahp.

Hanji was ruthless with her makeover. Makeup. Dress. Heels. Tights. Wig. Girly panties. Padded push-up bra. All of the essentials and more! Poor Eren. Miserable Eren. Don't you wish you were deader than dead right now, Eren?

"You actually look quite good like that," Mikasa rubbed her nose with her hand to try and get rid of the remaining blood. She wasn't turned on. Pffff. She was just 'aroused' in a totally friendship sort of way. Lol. Even the author can't handle that bullshit rn.

"Don't get any weird ideas!" Eren was already blushing from his outfit and now he was warming up to be a total tsundere! *sniff* making me so proud.

"Levi should still be at the amusement park! Let's get going! Although I would love to videotape a Ferris wheel scene...I won't require it. Well, not today anyway..." Hanji snickered and continued muttering all of her dreams. She kept talking about 'ships' and 'canons' and 'yaoi' and sometimes Eren would hear 'yuri' or 'otp' too. He stopped caring when she said 'let's get going.' What I want to know is: where the fudge is an amusement park in the Attack on Titan world and why the fudge is the author making it like this? Is this supposed to be some au shit? Sigh. Smh. Sometimes the world just can't tell you the truth...because you can't handle it. Even thought, right now, I would love to hear the dumbshit excuse Author-Chan has to give. 

"Are you ready to confess your undying love, Eren?" Hanji grinned.

"It's not like that! I just admire him! It's not l-love or anything! B-baka!" Eren blushed more and looked at the ground. What the actual fuck was he saying? Was it the dress? It must be the dress. Yeah, that's the only logical explanation aside from the fact that he might actually have feelings for a certain heichou.

"Just what I like to hear!" Hanji clapped her hands and Eren blinked twice. What? When did they get to the amusement park? What about the ticket to entry? And the metal detectors? Yeah. I'm asking the same questions here too. You're not the only one confused, Eren. 

"Don't worry," Mikasa placed a hand on Eren's shoulder and gave him a thumbs up, "if I sense trouble, I'll get you out of there!" She wasn't very convincing, considering her nose was gushing blood in a steady stream and she was mentally snapping pictures.

"T-thanks..." Eren sighed. He couldn't stop thinking about all the things that might go wrong. What if Levi notices that it is him? What if Eren isn't a convincing girl? What if Eren is bad at flirting? Is Eren even a good actor? The guy can't even lie well! Thoughts like this and more were flooding through his mind. Since when was Eren such a nervous wreck? Someone help the smol bean please. This is too painful to watch.

However, there was no backing out now. Eren was only a few feet away from Levi! Hanji and Mikasa were hiding in some nearby, conveniently placed, bushes. All Eren had to do was walk over to Levi and publicly humiliate himself! Priceless! I mean...uh...easy peasy? 

Eren inhaled and exhaled slowly to channel his inner girlness. He couldn't help but wonder if Levi could even ride any of the attractions here. Eren. Smh. Levi isn't that short. Just because you are a little bit taller than him doesn't mean you're a titan compared to him. Smhx2.

"Hello!~" Eren tried to sound as cheerful as possible. Girls were cheerful, right? Well, 'normal' ones? Well, 'anime' ones? Okay. Maybe not. Lemme stahp. Eren is just trying to be extra. Point made? Good.

The only reaction that Eren got in return for his greeting was a lovely death glare. Congrats! You won a prize! The standard Levi Glareinator 3,000! Tune in next time for the Levi Glarinator 4,000! Because the thousands sound better than any other number! Yes, I really did just type that! The truth hurts, doesn't it?

"Who're you?" Levi asked. Good question. I didn't just accidentally type 'whore you?' Hehehe. Kmn. You wouldn't have known that if I had deleted this sentence...sigh.

Eren wasn't sure how to respond to being called a whore. *ahem* I mean, Eren wasn't sure how to respond to being glared at like that so he just decided to act butthurt. It was really hard to attempt speaking again since Levi's glare was new and improved! It sent even more shivers up Eren's spine than usual! But the noble Eren managed to speak again. Congrats. 

"That's so rude! I was just tryin' to be nice and you went and gave me such an evil look! It's not my fault your sittin' here all lonely like!" Eren spoke. The fuck? He has a country accent now? Can that even be classified as country? Author what did you drink last night...Mother of Titans. Eren, you are a terrible girl. Hanji should be recording this. And Mikasa should be laughing. Smhx3.

Levi didn't respond to the sheer stupidity of that comment. Eren wasn't sure if he was heard or not. He also wasn't sure if Levi was ignoring him. Such a world to live in when those are your greatest problems...and not the thousands of titans outside the walls...

Eren made a bold move and just sat down on the bench next to Levi. Should he speak again? Yeah. Probably. "So, what's a guy like you doing in a place like this?" Eren asked. He was still being ignored. He totally didn't ask that because he thought Levi was too short for any of the rides and because he thought Levi didn't seem like the type to be in an amusement park...

It was then, that Eren realized, he would also ignore himself if he was being talked to by some strange wannabe flirt...

"Hey! -3- I'm still talking to you!~" Eren whined and scooted closer to Levi. He was almost touching him now. The dress had a lowcut design, and, thanks to Hanji, Eren's fake boobs were fully exposed for the world to see. Eren totally isn't a slut. Lol. Lovely fake cleavage. Everyone needs some. -_-

Levi still refused to respond. Eren was not having a mental breakdown. Okay, you got me, he totally was. This thing he had to do was taking way too long. He just wanted to get it over with! But how was he just supposed to propose? At this random time? Didn't seem right. Eren wished he could just walk away and deal with whatever Hanji had planned as 'consequences.' But he was already in too deep.

"Yo, dude, bro, man, sexy," Eren said waving a hand in front of Levi's face. This task was just getting more and more annoying. Time to initiate Plan B.

Eren put on his best fake shocked expression and scooted away from Levi. He whisper-yelled his next few words, "don't tell me...do you...are you...maybe...a player for the other team?!" he questioned. 

Will You Marry Me?! [Levi x Eren]Where stories live. Discover now