Simple Enough: Chapter 14

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I open my eyes to see bright white lights.

In confusion I sit up, and find myself in an unknown room.

I look at where I'm sitting and see a hospital bed.

I quickly remember running into a metal stop sign pole. Before I could try to figure out exactly what hospital I'm in, I hear a light knock on the door. The door is swung open before I could mouth a "Come in".

"Ahh, Skye. I see you're awake. I'm Dr. Howell. How are you feeling?" says a very handsome man. He looked to be about 27 years old. He was very tall and lanky, had thick black hair, and an amazing jaw structure.

"I feel fine," I respond quietly. 

"Do you know why you're here?" asks Dr. Howell.

"Uhh. I ran into a pole?" I say uneasy. "Ahh. So that's what happened. A woman found you passed out on the sidewalk, and called an ambulance. She was very worried. She did not seem to know who you were though. We found an ID in your wallet, so luckily we knew your name." said Dr. Howell in his smooth voice.

"Now, I need to ask you a few questions. What is your name?"

"Um. Skye Miller. I thought you knew my name," I reply.

"Yes, I do. I just need to make sure you know it. To make sure you have no memory loss. How old are you?"


"Do you remember why you ran into a pole?"

"Yeah, I-" I look at the doctor, embarrassed to tell him what happened.

"I went to a friend's house. I got angry, and ran off," I say not looking directly at Dr. Howell.

"Any headaches? Dizziness?"


Dr. Howell pulls a pen out of his pocket, and brings it close to my nose. I furrow my brows in confusion.

"I need you to read the words on this pen," Dr. Howell instructed.

After many other questions and tests for my vision, and memory Dr. Howell finally announces I do not have any signs of a concussion.

"You got lucky," Dr. Howell announces as he makes his way out.

"Wait," I call out "How soon can I leave?"

"I will call a nurse and she will let you know when you can leave. Don't expect to be here over an hour though. Thirty minutes at the most. There is a few papers that need to be filled out," Dr. Howell responded.

"Okay thank you," I smile.

I reach for my phone, which I luckily still have with me, and check for any messages or calls. I feel my heart drop to my stomach as I see a text message from Chris.

I unlock my phone, as quickly as I can and read the message.

"Where are you?"

"He doesn't contact me for days and when he finally does all he says is 'Where are you?'. No explanation for his disappearance or anything," I mutter aloud.

"Where are YOU?" I type back as a reply, angrily.

The door swiftly opens, and I see a petite nurse walk in.

"Ms. Miller, you are now free to leave if you'd like, unless you have any questions or concerns," she notified.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you," I assure, and get up from the bed to exit.

"Okay, have a nice day Ms. Miller," the nurse replied cheerily.

I exit the room and walk past hurried doctors and stretchers.

I make my way down long hallways, looking up at signs to find the exit. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and pull it out quickly.

"I'm home. Come here I wanna see ya"

I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach, and I smile spread across my face.

I speed up my walk, and try to find an exit so I can go home and fall into Chris' arms.


WHAT? An update that is not months later?! Basically, I got a lot more comments than I usually do in the last chapter so i just had to update as soon I could. So, keep commenting. Remember to fan or save this story to your library so you know when I update.

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