Simple Enough: Chapter 3

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"You've got another customer by the cashier waiting to be attended!"

"Um. Okay, be right there!" I shout back to Anne, a friend from work, while I close the newspaper. It's so hard finding a place to live. I quickly walk up to the cashier from behind the kitchen, without looking up.

"What can I get for ya today?" I say without looking up.

"Just coffee," replies a familiar angelic voice. I look up to see those familiar, beautiful, green eyes. 

"Oh hey. I remember you from last night. Skye. That's your name right?" Christofer's angelic voice says. 

"Uh... Yeah," I say a bit uncertain 

"What brings you here?" I add a bit more cheerfully.

"Well the tour is over and I have a friend in town that I'm gonna stay with for about a week." he responds with a smile. God. He has a wonderful smile. He's so cu- 

"You work here?" he interrupts my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah. Best job I could find since I didnt go to college."

"Oh, have you got your own place?" he asks a bit curious.

"Not yet. Me and Sam are looking for a place to live together," I say, stupidly, as if he would know who Sam is.

"Sam? Urm... Is that your boyfriend?" he asks with a bit of disappointment in his face 

"Oh. No! Haha. Sam is my best friend. She's a girl," I say giggling. 

"Oh. Nice," Christofer replies back with cheerfulness returning to his face.

"Well, I think I should get your coffee now. Be right back," I say as I quickly walk back to make his coffee. 

      When I get back Christofer is talking on his phone. 

"Oh really? Yeah that sounds awesome. Okay. What time? 8? Yeah, for sure. I'll stop by. Bring a date? Haha okay sure man why not. Okay see ya later bro. Bye," he says then hangs up the call.

"Here ya go. That'll be $2.35," I tell Christofer while handing him his coffee.

"So my friend is having a little party later, if you wanna stop by with me... You know, if you're not busy... Or if you even want to.." Christofer says a bit nervously while handing me the money for his coffee.

"Um. Yeah, sure. I'd love to go," I say with a smile.

"Great. I can pick you up at your house! Here. Put in your phone number so I can text you later, so you can tell me your adress," he says while handing me his slightly battered iPhone.

I quickly insert my number and fill in my name as "Skye (:".

"I love your name by the way," he tells me while looking at the name on the screen. 

"Thank you," I say blushing a bit.

"Well, see you later." 

"Yeah bye!" I say waving to him as he walks out.

 God. He's so cute. Wait. Did I just get asked out on a date? By a semi-famous person. Oh my gosh. I think I did. I need to look perfect then.

Simple Enough [Christofer Drew]Where stories live. Discover now