Simple Enough: Chapter 6

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As I'm sitting by the bus stop just doing nothing, I suddenly hear a loud rumbling from the sky. Huh? What's that? And then it starts to drizzle. "Fuck!" I shout out. Then, it starts to rain harder. "Ahhh! My hair!" I scream. 

Oh wait. I have a hoodie, I remember. Then I quickly put it on. But my hair still got wet. So, it's stil gonna get curly. Great.

About 7 minutes later Chris finally arrives, and it's still raining. He stops the car and quickly gets off. "Fuck! I'm so sorry! You're all wet! I had no idea it was gonna rain." 

"Uh, it's okay. Let's go quick," we quickly run to the car, and he drives off.

"I'm SO sorry. You have no idea. I feel terrible. I always fuck everything up," he says miserably. 

"No, it's okay. I wanted to leave that house already anyways, I just hadn't found a place yet."  

"I'm really sorry.." he apologizes again. 

"Like I said, it's okay. Really," I say with a smile to assure him. 

He slighty smiles back.  

"You're welcome to stay with me for as long as you like. I decided to stay here for a few more months."  

"Oh. Okay thanks."

We arrive at the same house from the party again.

We walk into a different room from last time. This one is painted a pretty, light yellow. It has a flat screen tv, a big bed, and a wooden desk at the corner of the room with a laptop on it. 

"Um. There's only two bedrooms in the house and my friend is sleeping in his own bedroom so you can sleep here." 

"Where are you gonna sleep?" 

"In the room we were in earlier, on the couch." 

"No. I feel bad. I'll sleep on the couch you sleep here." 

"No, you sleep here. It's my fault you're homeless now." 

"And I'm fine with being homeless. I'll sleep on the couch." 

"Hmm. How about this. We both sleep on this bed?" 

"We've known each other for one day and you're already asking me to sleep with you?" I say joking. He laughs.  

"Oh shut up. Deal or no deal?" he says laughing a bit. 

"Hmmm. Deal," I say smiling.

Chris then sees me shiver a bit. 

"Oh. Shit, you must be cold." 

"Yeah, kinda," I lie. I'm actually freezing.  

He then looks through some luggage and pulls out a tshirt and some green basketball shorts. 

"Here you can put these on and then I can put your clothes to dry." 

"Okay, turn around!" I say smiling. He smiles then turns around.

I quickly take off my shoes, socks, pants, hoodie, and tshirt, leaving on only my panties and bra. I put on Christofer's shorts and t-shirt.  

"Okay done!" I say when I'm all dressed again.

He turns around and laughs. His shorts go down about 4 inches below my knee. 

"What?" I ask. 

"You're so short," he says smiling. 

"Ugh, I know!" I say grunting. 

"It's really cute though," he says still smiling. I can feel my face get hot. 

"Haha thanks," I say. And I walk off to look into a mirror hanging on the door. 

"Oh my gosh! Ew!" I shout. 

"What?" Chris asks. 

"My hair. It's all frizzy and curly because of the rain," I say frowning. 

"Oh yeah," He says barely acknowledging my hair.  

"It's naturally curly?" he asks. 

"Yeah, unfortunately." 

"How is that unfortunate? Your curls are beautiful," I feel my face get hot again. 

"Yeah, whatever."  

"They are." he says. 

"No, they're ugly, just like everything else about me.." I say quietly, hoping he doesn't hear. 

Apparently he does, because then he frowns. 

"Why don't you think you're pretty?" 

"Because, I'm not." 

"What makes you say that?" 

"I hate what I see when I look at myself." 

"I think you're beautiful." 


Then he walks over to me and sits me down and looks at me in the eyes. 

I stare back, I can't resist looking into those beautiful green eyes. 

"You're really cute," he giggles. 

"Hey, you're not so bad yourself," I say all while smiling and blushing. 

We both laugh.

He grabs the laptop from the desk and starts playing music from his iTunes. We spend the rest of the night talking and singing along to songs. We both fall asleep on the floor, while playing cards.


The next morning I wake up in the bed. I get up. Yawn. Stretch. How did I get on the bed? Chris must have carried me onto it. Where's Chris? Should I go look for him somewhere else in the house? I'll just wait for him here. 

I grab his laptop, open up his iTunes, and play some music. I'll just lay here and wait for him.

After about four songs, I see the door open. And I see Chris walk in. As soon is he sees me he smiles.  

"Oh you're awake." 

"Yeah. I woke up a few minutes ago." I say while my stomach growls really loud. I put my hand over it hoping Chris didn't hear. 

"Um. Are you hungry?" he says while giggling. 

"Yeah. I can go for some food." 

"Well, I'm going for some waffles in a bit. Wanna join?" he asks raising his eyebrow.  

"Not like this I don't," I say while looking down at myself. "Do you think you can drive me to my house to get my stuff? Urm I mean my mom's house." 

"Yeah totally." 

"Okay. Well let's go," I grab my shoes and socks. My socks are still damp. Chris must have forgotten to put my clothes to dry last night.  

Oh well. I put on my shoes without socks, and run out the door close behind Chris.

Simple Enough [Christofer Drew]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz