Simple Enough: Chapter 12

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I groan and press the "Dismiss" option on my phone's alarm. I look at the time. 10 am. 

I groan again, and roll over. My cheek hits something cold. I look at my pillow, and notice it's wet. The only thing I can think of that it can be is tears... Or drool.

Was I crying in my sleep?

I try to remember what I dreamed about, and I could remember Chris announcing he was leaving this city forever and me crying and begging him to stay.

I get up from bed and try to shake the memory of the dream away. I drag my feet into the kitchen while I rub at my closed eyes.

I look around the kitchen, expecting to see and smell delicious coffee and waffles, but only seeing an empty kitchen table, with the coffee pot off, and a piece of paper on the table.

I stand there in confusion for a bit, before deciding to see what's on the paper.

I look down to see a note scribbled messily.

Sorry for not making food. Be back later.

Chris left me a note? Why didn't he just text or call me letting me know he was leaving? Why didn't he say where he was going? How long had he been gone? When would he be back? All he said was "be back later". Later could mean anything. It could mean 3 hours. 4 days. 2 weeks. 9 months. 50 years! When the fuck is later?

I sighed and rubbed my head, realizing I was over thinking this. And the memory of last night comes flooding back into my head, which only makes me feel worse.

Chris probably hates me. I mean, I don't blame him, I hate myself too!

I walk over to the restroom to shower before work.

That shower felt like the worst shower ever. I don't even remember if I conditioned. I was too busy thinking about everything.

Okay, I'm going to work. I should probably call Chris right now to make sure he's okay, but he probably needs space from me. I'm sure he'll be here with open arms when I get back from work. 

I smile as I think about hugging Chris as I get back from work, and walk out the door as I think about what a long shift it's gonna be.


-2 days later-

I anxiously tap my fingers on the counter, while staring at the clock on the wall of the coffee shop.

"Uh.. and I'd also like a ... uhhh.... Frappucino, and uh," the boy ordering at the front of the counter had been taking forever to order. He looked about 14 or 15, and had short blonde hair. But, the point is the kid was driving me up the wall! He couldn't decide what he wanted to order.

I glanced up at the clock. Only a few more seconds until I can get the hell out of here and see if Chris was finally home.

"No, nevermind, I want somethig else instead uhh... I want.... uhh," the blonde boy said slowly.

The small hand on the clock hit the six, while the longer hand hit 12. 

"You're taking forever to order, and my shift is over. Next time, know what you want before you come up to the counter. Adios, kid!" I shouted as I ran off.

I ran home. Since, I didn't have a car, and Chris took his. I mean, I could've taken the bus home, but that would've taken ages. I just wanted to see Chris' face.

I stumbled over my own feet as I was ascending closer to the house. I expected to see Chris' silver car in the drive way, but the drive way was empty. I didn't let that slow me down though, he could've parked it in the garage.

I made it to the drive way, and fumbled as I took the house keys out of my bag. I unlocked the door, and stepped into the house.


"Chris?" I say, quietly.

No reply.

I sigh. 

I walk over to the kitchen. Nothing.

I walk over to the small living room. Nothing.

I walk over to the room me and Chris first hung out in. Nothing.

I walk over to me and Chris' bedroom, my heart fluttering with hope. He had to be here. He was probably taking a nap.


My heart drops, at the realization that Chris still isn't home.

I walk over to the restroom, hoping he could be there, but the door is open, and no one is there. He has to be home. It's been two days!

He could also be in Zach's room. Zach is Chris' friend, the owner of the house, the one that lives here. He went out of a town a few weeks back, and asked me and Chris to stay out his room.

I open the door to Zach's room, knowing I shouldn't, but Chris could be in there. But, nothing.

Just a room with a pizza box on the nightstand, and clothes scattered everywhere. Typical boy room.

I sigh as I close the door to Zach's room, and make my way to mine and Chris' room.

I slip my way under the sheets of the bed, and start crying.

Does Chris hate me? He hadn't been home in two days.

I hate myself so much, I should've  never agreed to be Austin's girlfriend.


I reach into my pocket, and slip out my phone. No messages. No calls.

Great, not even Austin has tried to contact me. What a wonderful boyfriend. But, it's not like I'm in the mood to see him anyway.

Gosh, I knew Austin was a lousy boyfriend. Someone remind me why the hell I said yes to being his girlfriend.

Oh yeah, he's hot as hell.

But, nothing compared Chris...

"FUCK. I'm so stupid!" I tell myself, as more tears roll down my face.

I wipe the tears away, and sniffle a bit. Why the hell am I crying? I rarely cry. I can't even remember the last time I cried. Hell, I didn't even cry when I got kicked out of the house! So, why am I laying here, crying like an idiot?

Oh yeah, because the most perfect boy ever hates me because I'm an idiot! Gosh, it isn't even like me to cry over guys! Why does Chris have to be so sweet and beautiful? Why did Chris have to make me so happy? Why did Chris have to be the most amazing person I've ever met? Why did Chris have to make me fall for him...

I quickly bolt up from my laying position, and sit on the bed. Did I just tell myself, that I... that I fell for Chris?

I rub my temples.

It isn't like me to cry over a boy.

It isn't like me to feel this way about someone so soon.

I jump out of bed, grab my phone, and run over to Austin's house.

I need to get my mind off Chris.


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