Simple Enough: Chapter 16

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I'm sat on the porch outside on a very old, white, plastic lawn chair. I look up at the sky which is mixtures of all types of calming orange colors. The slight breeze present quite refreshing.  I take out my battered iPhone, and unlock it. I hesitantly dial the number. As each ring goes by, I feel more and more anxious. 

"Hello, this is Kylie. I'm probably busy right now, so- uh- leave a message after the tone. I guess," the old familiar voice spoke, making my stomach twist into knots.

"Uh. Kylie, it's Skye. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while. I don't know why I didn't keep in touch with you. I'm really sorry," I plead. "I miss you a lot," I whisper. I sit still for a few seconds. Once I realize I said all I could, I end the call.

I sigh as I pick myself up from the chair. I head back inside the house, not quite ready to face Chris and his girlfriend, or whatever she is.

The first thing I see when I walk into the living room is Ali snuggled into Chris' side and Chris' arm around her shoulder as they're sat on the couch watching TV. Chris looks up at me when he notices me, and I try my hardest to hide my disgusted face. I sit down on the brown love-seat by the couch, a few feet away from where Chris and Ali are. Chris shifts uncomfortably in his spot, and removes his arm from Ali's shoulder. Ali snuggles deeper into his side.

I decide to take my attention away from them and focus on the TV.

 "Jersey Shore? Chris, I thought you hated this shit," I say aloud.

"Eh. Ali wanted to watch it," he shrugs.

I roll my eyes. "I can't believe these people get paid to drink and get STD's. They make more money than most people who actually work for it. I thought this show was done anyway," I sneer.

"Yeah, it is over. These are just re-runs," Ali replies, dismissing the fact that I dissed the show.

"Snooki's a mess," Chris states.

"I know. God, she needs to stop drinking," I add.

"I was talking about you," Chris jokes.

I turn to look at him. "Shut up," I shriek, trying to hide my smile.

Chris grins, "Okay, shorty."

I reflexively grab a pillow from behind me and fling it at Chris.

Chris quickly puts his arms in front of his face, making an x-shape, slightly pushing Ali away.

I giggle, even though the pillow didn't hit his face.

"Looks like I'm too fast for you," he taunts, as I slyly grab another, smaller, pillow from behind me. I wack him in the head with it, quickly, before he can protect himself.

"Looks like I'm too fast for you," I mock.

"Okay, you got me that time," he crosses his arms, and sits back in defeat.

I comfortably shift back into my old position on the love-seat and look over at Ali. She has a slight look of annoyance on her face.

I turn my gaze back to the TV, and see the credits on the screen.

"Well, that was quite a riveting episode I must say," I comment sarcastically.

"But I am very tired, considering I walked all the way over here from some hospital I've never been to before, so I might just head on to bed," I announce, getting up from the seat.

"What? Why were you at a hospital? Who's hurt?" Chris asks, concerned.

"I was 'hurt'. I'm fine now, though. Time to slumber," I say as I walk out.

"Wait! What happened?" I hear Chris call out, once I'm in the hall.

I stand in my spot for a bit, to see if he'll follow.

"Mind if I go find out what happened?" I hear Chris quietly ask Ali.

"No, it's fine. I'll head on to bed after this episode, don't wait up," Ali replies.

I quickly make my way to the bedroom before Chris finds me standing in the hall.

As soon as I sit on the bed, Chris enters the room.

"Sup," I smile at him.

"What happened?" he questions, a look of concern etched on his face.

"Oh, nothing really. I ran into a pole because- well, you know me- I'm clumsy as shit," I laugh.

"How'd you run into it?" he asks.

I feel a frown form on my face. I look at Chris and I still see the concern he has on his face. I sigh, and throw myself on the bed, face towards the ceiling.

"After finding out Austin was cheating on me, I left his house really angry. Well, more like ran out of his house really angry. I was running for a while, and I guess I wasn't focusing on what was in front of me, so I hit a pole. Woke up in the hospital, and the doctor did a few tests to make sure I didn't get a concussion. I'm fine now," I explain, looking up at the ceiling.

I feel Chris lay down next to me. He says nothing.

"Go ahead. Tell me I'm stupid for ever being with Austin,"

He sighs, "you're not stupid Skye. We all make mistakes. I don't blame you for being with him. He seemed like a great guy."

I turn over on my side to look at him.

"Nope. I'm pretty stupid. Before we even became a thing, I knew how big of a flirt he was. A guy as flirty as him is bound to cheat. But me, being the stupid girl I am decided to agree on being his girlfriend and didn't think about the consequences. And look at what happened, I ended up in a hospital and you have someone e-" I quickly stop myself. And you have someone else now.

My eyes are wide as Chris asks "And I have what?"

"Um, you have some shit on your face," I mutter as a use my finger to wipe off, what I think is, chocolate.

"It could be actual shit," I point out. "It's brown."

"Oh, shut up. It's probably chocolate from the chocolate chip cookies," Chris exclaims.

"Well, you try it, and let's find out if that's true," I command, as I hold my finger out towards Chris' mouth. We're both sitting up now.

Chris grabs my hand and pulls it down beside him and onto the bed. He's still holding onto my hand as I look at his face and say quietly "Afraid that it might be feces?"

"Nope, I just don't know where your hand has been," he points out, just as quietly.

I lace my fingers with his, and Chris looks down at our hands and then into my eyes.

"Don't worry, I wash my hands," I whisper, staring back into his eyes.

Only seconds pass by, and then Chris quickly bolts up from the bed, letting go of my hand.

"Well, I should head on to bed now," he utters, almost nervously.

"Alright," I say quietly.

He makes his way out, quickly throwing out a goodnight, and closes the door.



So, it's 7:30 am. I still haven't slept, but inspiration hit me, so I just had to do this before it went away. Thank you guys so much for sticking around. I kind of know where I want this story to go now. So hopefully I'll be able to update more for you guys. Please comment, and fan or save this story to your library so you know when I update. :)

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