Simple Enough: Chapter 15

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 I can't help but have an enormous grin on my face as I quickly walk home.

It's such a beautiful day out. The sun is shining, birds are chirping happily, the weather is lukewarm.

I walk down the sidewalk, past modern houses.

Outside a small, mint green house, I see a girl about 14 years old. 

Her curly, light brown hair cascades beautifully over her left shoulder. She's sitting on her porch, intently reading a book. I can't tell which book she is reading, but it has a bright green cover.

She reminds me of Kylie, same curly hair, same body type, she looks about her age. The way there's crinkles in between the girl's eyebrows reminds me of Kylie when she would try to draw sketches for her art class.

As I sigh, I realize I actually miss Kylie. I hadn't contacted her since I got kicked out of the house, and that was months ago. I am a terrible sister.

Kylie is fourteen, a young teenager. When I was her age I was going through so much shit. I didn't know who I could fit in with. Friends would backstab me. Peer pressure to do drugs. Boy problems. Stuff such as that. It would have been so much better if I had someone to talk to and give me advice.

I make a mental note to talk to Kylie as soon as I can.

As I make my way onto a new street, I instantly recognize where I am. The house is about 2 blocks away. I feel a knot tighten in the pit of my stomach. The grin on my face still visible. I can't help but make up scenarios of how seeing Chris again will be.

I'll run into his arms, and he'll spin me around, and possibly give me a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you so much," I imagine him say, grinning. "I missed you too," I'll whisper as I look up at him. And we'll spend the rest of the day on the couch watching movies, like we always do.

But, what if things aren't like always? What if he's still upset?

I could tell him about how Austin cheated on me, but then that would give him the right to tell me how stupid I was for even being with him in the first place.

I feel the grin leave my face, and I frown in agitation.

When I draw near the house, I start feeling more and more nervous. I have no idea what will happen. Things could be the same, or things could be slightly uncomfortable for both me and Chris.

I take a breath, and open the entrance to the familiar house.

The smell of chocolate chip cookies fills my nostrils, that is if my sense of smell does not deceive me. I immediately see the skinny, handsome boy that makes my heart flutter sitting on the beige couch of the living room.

"Chris," I sputter.

He looks over at me and a smile breaks out on his face. "Skye!" He walks over to me, and I stay in the same spot unsure of what to do. Chris gives me a hug, but quickly pulls away, and smiles at me.

"Where the hell have you been?" I question, trying not to seem too hostile.

"I knew you would be upset," he said sighing. "Let me tell you what happened though," he began. "There was a big family reunion back home that I completely forgot about, so I left as soon as I could. I forgot my charger here, so my phone was practically dead the whole time I was there. I wanted to tell you where I was by using someone else's phone, but I don't know your number by heart. I was only planning on staying in Jomo for a day or two, but I met up with some old friends and decided to stay longer," he explains.

"Well, I guess that is a reasonable explanation," I joke. "Did you have fun?"

"Oh, yeah. Tons of fun. We got up to some crazy shit," he says beaming.

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