Simple Enough: Chapter 9

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"Oh my gosh. I almost pissed my pants at that part!" I exclaim giggling as we walk out the movie theatre.

"I was about to die of laugher. My ribs kinda hurt from laughing."

"Mine too," I say still giggling.

"Hey, mind if we go for a walk? It feels really nice out," I ask Austin as we walk down the sidewalk beside the movie theatre.

"Yeah. Whatever you want," Austin says still smiling.

Damn. This boy has an amazing smile. He's so attractive.

Especially right now.

He's wearing black skinny (not TOO skinny though) jeans, and a turquoise vneck.

I've always liked V-necks on guys.

Especially guys like Austin. With the cute, shaggy, skater-ish looking hair, and all.

As we walk and talk, I suddenly feel his hand grab mine. We intertwine fingers.

This catches me by surprise. But I pretend like it's nothing and I keep talking.

I've hung out with Austin a few times before this. He's a major flirt. So, this is nothing.

But, I can't lie. It does give me the tiniest bit of butterflies.

I can't believe I'm holding hands with one of the hottest guys I've ever met.

Wait, I need to remember. This is nothing. He does this with tons of girls. I'm just another one of those girls.

I sigh slightly, making sure Austin doesn't notice.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I ask laughing.

" I don't know. You're the one that wanted to go for a walk. But it seems like we went in a huge circle," he chuckles as he looks around.

We're back to the outside of the movies.

"Maybe, it's time I take you home?" he says.

"Yeah. I'm kind of tired."

The ride back to Chris' was okay. Me and Austin had a normal conversation. Sometimes the stuff we talked about was dull. We never had long conversations about everything like I had with Chris.

That was one thing I liked about Chris. We never ran out of things to talk about.

As Austin pulls over to the front of the yard, I unbuckle my seatbelt. I notice he unbuckles his too.

He's going to walk me to the door.

"Well goodnight, Skye," he says as he pulls me in for a hug.

Then, he pulls away and looks me straight in the eyes.

We just stare into eachother's eyes for few minutes and I slowly notice him move in closer to my face.

I drop my gaze from his eyes to his lips. His lips look really soft.

He's so hot.

I wonder if he's a good kisser.

He probably is, it seems like he's been with many girls.

I quickly decide to just find out for myself if he's a good kisser or not, and I crash my lips into his.

He doesn't take long to decide to let his tounge into my mouth.

After we pull away from eachother I smile and say goodbye as I walk into the house.

The kiss wasn't romantic. It was intense, and kind of rough. But, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it.


I quickly walk in the house and make my way to the room me and Chris sleep in, hoping he's not there.

I open the door to the room, and thankfully he's not there.

I plop myself down on the bed and look up at the ceiling. That kiss... It was innocent right? I mean, it doesn't mean we're together does it? Nah, I don't think it does. That one day when I went to the park with him and his friends I saw him kiss one of his blonde friends, and when I asked him if they were together he said they were just friends. I guess he kisses all his female friends.

I decide to just forget about the whole kiss thing. It didn't mean anything after all.

The door opened and Chris enters.

"Hey Skye, how was your date?" he asks sounding a bit curious.

"Uh, it was okay. We saw a movie, it was hilarious," I leave out the whole kissing thing. I needed to forget about that.

"Awesome. Are you sleepy?"

"Nah, not at all."

"Cool. Do you wanna watch another movie? I rented a movie while you were out," he says smiling.

How could I say no to this boy?

"Of course," I reply, smiling back.

While me and Chris are watching the movie laying side by side on the bed, he inches towards me so our sides are touching.

I shift over on my side, and I lay my head on his chest.

After a while, I feel my eyelids get heavy, and soon after that I fall asleep.

Simple Enough [Christofer Drew]Where stories live. Discover now