Simple Enough: Chapter 7

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"So now that we're done with breakfast what are we gonna do?" I ask smiling. I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of the day with Chris since today is my day off.

"Whatever you wanna do."

"Hmmm. Well I don't know what to do. That's why I'm asking you."

"Well. We can just go to a park and chill," he suggests.

"Sure. Let's do that. I'll drive though, since you don't know this town."

We both get in the car, and drive off. 

 "Oh my gosh. You're a terrible driver," he says laughing.

"Shut up!" I say hitting him playfully.

"I'm just kidding you're not that bad."

I stick my tounge out at him.

"Can your feet even reach the pedals?" he asks giggling.

"Yes they can. Stop making fun of my shortness! I hate being short," I say chuckling a bit.

"You're shortness  is cute. Don't worry."

"Okay. We're here," I say as I park the car."

We both get off the car and decide to just find the nearest bench near the lake to just sit and talk.

 We're sitting. But there's not much talking. I look over to him, and I see that he's just staring at me.

"Um. Why are you just staring at me?"

"Oh. No reason," he smiles and looks away.

"Haha. Okay then, weirdo," I joke.

He laughs.

Aww. His laugh is so cu-

Oh my gosh. Look at that hot guy.. I think as a very attractive guy passes by. Unf. I think to myself.

"Unf?" Chris says confused. Then looks over to where I was looking too.

"Shit you heard that?" I say embarrassed.

He chuckles. "Do you find that guy attractive? Is that why you said 'unf'?" he asks trying to hold in a laugh.

"Yeah.." I say quietly.

"Hey! Dude in the plaid shirt!" he yells over to the hot guy.

"Oh my gosh! What're you doing!? Don't call him over here!" I whisper loudly. But not loud enough for the hot guy to hear.

I look over at the hot guy. He looks confused as he's walking over here. I feel my face get hot.

"What's your name?" Chris asks the guy.

"Uh.. Austin.." the guy says confused.

"Austin. My friend Skye here thinks you're attractive."

I feel my stomach drop. What the fuck is Chris doing? D:

Austin looks over to me.

"Oh that's cool," he says more relaxed now. Smiling.

"Yeah. Dude, you should give her your number," Chris says raising his eyebrow.

"Uh.. Chris.. What are- "

"Yeah. Sure," Austin interrupts me, smiling bigger.

"Uh  here's my phone," I say nervously as we exchange phones.

I put in my phone number. And give him back his phone.

"Uh.. Text me later I guess then?" I say.

"Yeah. Definately," Austin says still smiling big as he walks away.

  "Oh my gosh, Chris. That's so embarrassing!" I say hitting him lightly. He laughs.

"How? You got the guys number."

"Hmm. I did, didnt I. Jealous?" I say jokingly.

Chris laughs.

"Oh yeah soooo jealous!" Chris says, obviously, sarcastically.


Hello. Do you like the story so far? :P I hope you do.

I need your opinion on how the story is so far. Leave comments, or send me a private message telling me how you feel about this story. It doesn't neccesarily have to be good comments, I just wanna know how you feel. I won't get hurt if you tell me you don't like it. I'll post more if I get more comments or messages just so I know I'm not completely wasting my time on this.


Simple Enough [Christofer Drew]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon