Simple Enough: Chapter 11

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I grab the makeup from my bag and dab my collarbone lightly with powdered makeup. Things between me and Austin got a little steamy on his couch, and he ended up giving me a hickey. I feel like such a whore, getting a hickey after only officially being his girlfriend for about an hour.

I check the time on my phone. It's 5:00. I should probably head back home and see what Chris is up to.

"Hey, Austin, I'm gonna go now. See you later," I call over to him as I walk to the front door.

He pops out of the kitchen and runs over to me. 

"Bye babe," he says and kisses me on the cheek.

I walk out, and make my way over to Chris' car.

This doesn't feel right...

Austin is a fun guy, and he's so hot, but I just don't feel a big connection with him. Not like I do with Chris...

Fuck. Why did I ever agree to be with  Austin? Maybe, I had a chance with Chris?

Wait, Chris can get ANY girl he wants. He has a thousand girls swooning and obsessing over him. I'm not anything special, so it's not like he would ever like me in that way...


As I walk inside the house the smell of spaghetti and garlic bread fills my nostrils.

God, I love spaghetti.

I follow the scent, into the kitchen.

I walk in to see Chris at the stove cooking spaghetti.

"Uh, Chris? What is all this?" I ask.

He turns around, and looks at me. He has a huge smile plastered on his face.

"I made your favorite! Spaghetti  & meatballs and garlic bread! But, oh... the meat for the meatballs isn't real meat..."

A smile instantly appears on my face. Aw. Chris is so sweet. He made my favorite dinner.

"Thank you, Chris!" I say as I walk over to him.

I stand in front of him, and stretch my arms out for an embrace.

We both hug for a while. Let me just say, Chris gives amazing hugs.

After a while, I decided to pull away, and I look at Chris with a smile.

He's smiling back, as he stares into my eyes, then turns his stare to my lips.

I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like Chris is moving closer into my face...

I'm frozen. Is he trying to kiss me?

Before I can wonder any longer, his lips crash into mine.

I'm still frozen, not kissing back. What is going on?

I realize that  the sweetest, most amazing guy ever is kissing me, so I start to kiss back.

The kiss. How do I even explain such a perfect kiss? It was so amazing, I felt like my insides were melting each second our lips touched. I honestly can't even explain.

"Skye," Chris breathes out slowly.

I turn my attention back to him. He looks nervous.

"Skye... I can't even begin to tell you how amazing you are. You fill my thoughts every second of every day, and I just want you so bad. I want to tell you how beautiful you are every second I can. I want to hold your hand in public to let everyone know you're mine. I want to kiss you all the time. God, you don't even know how much I wanted to kiss you. And  now, that I finally did kiss you, I don't want it to be the last time. I want to kiss you good morning every morning. I want to kiss you goodnight every night. I want to kiss you whenever I feel like it, just because I can. I know this all sounds so cliché, but I've honestly never liked someone as much as I like you."

If you haven't gotten the point yet, I want you to be mine. Mine, and only mine. And I want to be yours..

Skye, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

It seemed like it all happened so fast. Like, his little speech was just 2 seconds long. I can't fully process every word he just said to me. I am just standing there speechless.

After, a few seconds, I realize what he just said to me. He wants me to be his girlfriend. My heart skips a beat as I say it to myself in my head. His face looks hopeful as he is waiting for an answer from me. I want to, more than anything, say yes.

Then, I remember. Austin. Shit, I knew I should've said no.

"Chris, I-I," I can't the words out. I just wish I never agreed to be with Austin.

"I'm with Austin," I manage to let out.

His face completely drops. His facial expression changes from hopefull to miserable.

"If I knew you li-" I start to say, but Chris interrupts me.

"It's okay, dude," he says in a low tone as he walks out of the kitchen.

As I watch him leave I feel as if someone sent mini daggers into my heart. WHY THE HELL DID I EVEN AGREE TO BE WITH AUSTIN? If I had known Chris liked me, I would've never said yes to Austin.

I quickly make my way over to our bedroom to talk to Chris.

He's not there. I walk over to the room me and Chris hung out the night of the party. I open the door to find him lying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling with an emotionless expression settled on his face.

I, slowly and quietly, walk over to the couch and stand beside it.

"Um.. Can we talk?" I ask quietly.

His expression remains emotionless. Like, if I'm not even there...

"Chris, I-" he interrupts me, once again.

"I'm going to sleep, night," he mutters as he shifts on his side, so his back is facing me.

I feel gutted. Chris doesn't wanna talk to me.

I trudge out of the room, and make my way to mine and Chris' room as my heart sinks to my stomach.

I throw myself onto the bed, facing up. I stare at the white ceiling as if it's the most interesting thing in the world while I think about everything that just happened.

Austin asked me out.

Me, being a horny bitch, said yes because he's hot.

Chris kissed me.

It was the best kiss I have ever had.

He poured his heart out to me, and said the most sweetest things  anyone could ever say.

And after he made my heart flutter, I broke his.

"Skye, you're a fucking idiot," I mumble aloud.

A/N: Ahhh, getting 10 comments took forever. Guess there isn't many people reading this. If you guys want me to update, there is a certain amount of comments I need in order to be motivated. This time the goal is 7 comments (since 10 took forever.)

Simple Enough [Christofer Drew]Where stories live. Discover now