Simple Enough: Chapter 8

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•A few weeks later• 

"Oh my gosh. This is delicious!" I exclaim as I chew the delicious food he cooked. 

"See. Told you I know how to cook well." he says smiling. 

"You should teach me how to cook." 

"You don't know how?" 

"Nope. I suck at it," I giggle. 

"Okay then, I'll teach you," he smiles. 

"Awesome. But, not right now. I need to put my clothes to wash, shower, then head on to bed," I say as I walk away from the table. 

"Why so early? It's barely 8:15." 

"I have an early shift tomorrow because I'm filling in for someone." 

"Oh. So you'll be out of work early?"  


"So. We can go look at those new apartments across town then?" 


"Okay, awesome," he says smiling.

"Why are you so excited to look at those apartments with me and Sam?" I ask. 

"Well... I wanna help find a place that I might like too because I wanna move in with you two... You know only if you want me to though." 

"Wait, why would you want to move in with us though? Don't you have a house back in Joplin?" 

"Yeah. But I'm starting to really like this town... And I like living with you." 

I look down, so he won't see me blush. 

I feel butterflies in my stomach. 

"Oh.. Well okay then," I say giving a small smile, trying to ignore the butterflies.

Then, silence fills the kitchen. 

"Okay, well I'm gonna go shower now," I say as I walk off.

He likes living with me? Why though? I'm nothing special. I'm boring. Well, I guess he must like boring then.


I open the front door and walk into the house. I'm so sleepy. Why did I let Chris persuade me to play cards so late last night? I need to take a nap.  

I walk to the room. Take off my shoes, and lay on the bed.  

As soon as my head hits the pillow, I feel my eyes slowly closing and I slowly drift to sleep. 


Ugh. Stupid phone. I just wanna sleep. I check the phone to see who texted me. 


After that day at the park, we texted a lot, and talked on the phone a few times. I even became friends with a few of his close friends. Austin's a really cool guy. And super hot.

"Hey wanna go to the movies later today? :]" the message says. 

Hmm. Should I go with him? Well, it depends what time...  

"What time??" I reply. 

I put the phone down and try not to fall asleep as I wait for his reply.  

"How about 9? Unless you have an early shift tomorrow" 

"Sure. Pick me up later. See ya (:"  

Okay. So I need to take a shower now. So, I can have time to straighten my hair, then I can get ready to look for a new place.

I quickly walk to the restroom, open the door. When I walk in I hear the shower on. 

Oops. Is Chris in here? 

"Uh Chris?" 

"Skye? Are you in here? I'm taking a shower." 

I giggle. "Yeah, I'm in here. Sorry I didn't know you were showering. Should I leave?" 

"No. Just stay in here, ya know, and listen to me shower," he says sarcastically. 

"Okay, I'll wait for you to get out too," I say giggling. 

"Suuure, why not," he says sarcastically, again. 

I wait there. I wanna see if he'll actually get out of the shower like that or if he'll make me leave before. 

"Why are you here, in the restroom?" he asks while showering. "Just wondering, not being rude." 

"I need to shower too. I have a date later." 

"A date huh? Who are you going on this date with?" he says from the shower. 

"Yeah, kinda. I'm going with Austin to the movies later."  

"Oh. Austin," he says in a dissappointed tone.

Then, he grabs the towel hanging from the shower pole thing that holds the curtain (idk what it's called). And he walks out from the shower with the towel around his waist.

The sight of him gives me butterflies again. 

Oh my gosh. He's so cute.. Woah. He's really skinny. His skin looks soft.. 

"Restroom's all yours," he says cooly, in his angelic voice, as he walks out.  

Gosh. He's so perfect...

Simple Enough [Christofer Drew]Where stories live. Discover now