Cherry Stab 😤

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Darkness, loud gasps and a dark smile. Daring Charming saw the figure walk toward him and he tried to get up but he couldn't. He looked down, he was tied to the chair.

The dark figure finally showed himself as Alexander Charming. One of his families biggest rivals for centuries.

"Well well well, Daring Charming what a nice surprise"Alexander said smirking

"What do you want Alexander"Daring said threateningly

"You know what i want Daring"said Alexander flicking his crown off his head

"And what makes you think-"Daring started before Alexander interrupted

"I'd watch my words if i were you Mr. Charming i'd be a shame if something happened to her"he said opening a curtain to reveal Cerise chained to the wall looking absolutely drained of strength

Darings eyes popped open "Cerise" he cried

"Why'd you bring her into this"Daring said

"Because i know the way to get what i want is by hurting her"said Alexander picking up a needle full of a red liquid

"What is that"Daring asked

"Oh this"he laughed "It nothing but a little cherry"said Alexander walking towards Cerise and releasing her

"Cherry"Daring whispered "Cerise is-"

"Deathly allergic, yes i know now maybe you'll do what i ask"said Alexander injecting her with the cherry

Cerises reaction was almost instant. She was thrashing about and shivering it was horrible. The worst part was when she began foaming at the mouth and her eyes clouded over.

Alexander finally cut Daring free and he dashed to Cerise.

"Cerise.Cerise look at me"he pleaded

Cerise couldn't do it she was still thrashing around.

Daring turned her head to look at him and he smiled with tears running down his face.

"Cerise, i love you"he said stroking her face

"D-Daring"Cerise finally spoke "I love you more"

Cerises eyes grew wide as she drew her final breath and Daring lost it.

"No. Cerise please, don't go look at me please"he cried

It was no use. Cerise was gone.

"I'm sorry man, but she was a problem for me and-"Alexander said before Daring found the strength to stab him in his black heart and his blood pooled around him and he dropped to the floor dying instantly.

Daring looked at Alexander's dead body and said "You took my princess away from me, it was time i took you life too"

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