Nightmare 😤🥰

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3:48 am. Daring Charmings phone was ringing at 3;48 am. He groaned as he picked up and saw "Princess" flash across the screen. All of his sleepiness wore off as he answered.

"Cerise"he said his alarm sounded when his ears filled with her sobs

"D-Daring"she cried

"Hey what's wrong"he said sitting up. Luckily because they were seniors they had their own rooms so nobody was being disrupted

"I-I...need y-you to come over"Cerise broke out

"I'm on the way"Daring said flying out of his bed grabbing nothing but his keys and some shoes

3 minutes later he made it to her room and opened the door. There he found his princess sitting on her bed with her knees pulled up to her chest and shaking like a leaf with nothing but her phone in her hand still open to the call.

"Cerise I'm here what's going on baby"Daring asked gently

"I h-had a nightmare and they were all gone Daring they were all gone"Cerise cried as he pulled her into his arms

"Who was gone"he asked her

"My mom, dad, sister, my grandma, and..."she dragged

"Who else, you can tell me"Daring urged

"You, you all were gone and i was alone"Cerise cried into his chest

"listen to me, as long as i'm here you'll never be alone and i'm not going anywhere"Daring said

"You promise"Cerise asked

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a poison apple in my eye"he swore

Cerise let out a giggle and snuggled up to him.

"Can you stay, just for tonight"Cerise asked after a few moments of silence

"Really are you sure"Daring asked her

"Please, i don't want you to leave"she pleaded

"Ok, whatever you want"Daring said laying down with her under her blankets

"Thank you for being here"Cerise whispered


As long as I have you (A Darise Collection)Where stories live. Discover now