Sick 😤😘

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Another day, another bookball practice and the entire team was ready to go, minus one. Cerise was no where to be seen.

"Anyone seen Cerise, we cant start without our captain"Dexter said

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen her all day"Hunter said

"Yeah she usually beats me with my guitar at least once a day and that didn't happen"Sparrow said

"That's not like her to miss practice"Daring said getting worried

Suddenly a blur of red flew passed them as Cerise made her way to the field.

"Cerise there you are"Hopper said

"Yeah, sorry i'm late"she said horsely

"Right well, now that we are all here, let's get started"Daring said

About 15 minutes into the practice, the team noticed Cerise was a lot slower than usual. She's seemed fatigued and looked horrible. They ignored it mostly until she slumped down in the grass.

"Cerise"Daring exclaimed running to her

He brought his hand to her forehead to wipe off some sweat when he noticed she was burning up.

"My Godmother Cerise, how long have you been out here running around"Daring asked

"Just for practice, I haven't had the energy"Cerise said coughing

"That's it, practice is canceled, Cerise you need to get better you are sick and it could get worse"Daring said

"I'll be fine Daring"Cerise said

"No, you are going to your room and too bed"Daring said sternly

"Whatever"Cerise said rolling her eyes

Daring carried Cerise to her room but barely made it back in before Cerise leaped from his arms and rushed into the bedroom just before she threw up.

Daring quickly was there to hold her hair down and comfort her.

"But you'll be fine"Daring remarked

"I am fine"Cerise said beginning to brush her teeth

Just then to door to the room opened to reveal Cedar.

"Oh sorry guys, I just left my brush"she apologized "I'm staying over at Apple and Ravens dorm since Cerise has been sick, but anyway bye"

Once she left all Darings attention was back on Cerise.

"How long"he asked

Cerise just looked at him and walked out of the bathroom.

"Cerise"he called

"What"she exclaimed

"How long have you been sick"he asked

A moment of silence trickled by and she finally answered.

"I don't know maybe like a week or longer"

"A week- Cerise you didn't say anything"he said

"I didn't want you to worry about me and I never get
sick anyway I can handle it"she said

"Right, so that wasn't you who almost passed out on the field, that wasn't you who was practically on fire with a high fever, but that wasn't you who threw up 5 minutes ago right, but you're handling it right"he yelled. He doesn't normally even raise his voice at her but he was so frustrated with her for not saying anything.

"I'm sorry ok, I just didn't want you to be worrying all about me"she said sitting on her bed

"Look, i'm not mad i'm just frustrated. I'm your boyfriend i want you to feel like you can come to me with things like this"Daring said joining her on the bed

"I know and from now on I'll be honest about things like this"Cerise said

"Good, now let's get you all better"Daring said helping Cerise get ready for bed and take some medicine

"Thanks for all this"Cerise said

"Of course now I'll be right back I'm staying her tonight so i'm gonna go grab some clothes"Daring said

"Ok"Cerise said watching him leave

By the time he got back, Cerise was already asleep. He walked over to her and gave a kiss and said "Get better Cerise"

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