Cover that up 😤

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Another sunny morning in Ever After and Cerise woke up laying in Darings bed.

"Good morning pretty girl"Daring said cupping her face

"Good morning"Cerise said booping his nose before sitting up with a groan. You could say they had quite the night last night so Cerise was extra sore this morning.

"Fuck, i got you good last night huh"Daring laughed

"Ha ha, it's not funny i have to limp in the halls to get to my room"Cerise said finally standing up and making her way too the door

"Ok, i'll see you later then"Daring said letting her go

Cerise took her time getting back to her room and once she got there she immediately got in the shower because boyfriend air is real and it was messing with her.

After her shower she got dressed and went to her vanity and sat down to get ready and she was met with quite the shock. The biggest hickey of her life was just sitting there on her neck.

"Shit"Cerise muttered grabbing her phone and some concealer

She facetimed Daring to show him exactly what he had done.

"Yes mam"Daring said as he answered

"Don't you yes mam me, look at what you did"Cerise scowled

"Some of my best work if i do say so myself"Daring smirked

"My God Daring my dad could've seen this"Cerise said beginning to cover it up

"It's about time some of these boys know you are mine anyway"Daring laughed

"I'm gonna kill-"Cerise started before there was a knock on her door

"I'll call you later, let me answer the door"Cerise said

"Ok love you"Daring said hanging up

"Come in"Cerise said quickly trying to finish covering her hickey. Unfortunately for her, it was her friends Raven, Briar and Darling.

"Cerise there you are, you are late for breakfast"Briar said

"And whoa that's a lot of concealer did you not sleep good last night"Raven asked

"Well, i'd show you but..."Cerise said straying off

"Show us what"Darling asked

"Uhhh, you probably don't wanna see"Cerise said

"No i'm intrigued do show"Briar said

"Fine, before i show you just know i wasn't my fault"Cerise said turning around to reveal that hickey

"Holy shit"Raven said

"When and where"Briar asked shocked

"Well, i spent the night with Daring and that's all i'm gonna say on the matter"Cerise said turning back to finish covering herself

"My brother did that"Darling asked

"Unfortunately he's not sorry about it either i already called him"Cerise shrugged before there was another knock on the door

"Come in"Cerise said finally finishing her little job

"Hey C, just wanted-"Daring said

"I'm gonna kill you"Cerise said standing up

"Well let me see it"Daring said grabbing her head

"Eh i could've done better"he concluded

"UGH you are insufferable"Cerise said rolling her eyes

"Ima leave y'all to this but Cerise please don't kill my brother"Darling said with Raven and Briar following her

"I'll try"Cerise groaned

The couple sat in silence for a moment before Daring asked "You want another one"

"DARING"Cerise exclaimed "Yes but where no body can see please"

As long as I have you (A Darise Collection)Where stories live. Discover now