Overwhelmed 😤🥰

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It had been 2 months since Daring and Cerise Charming had their baby girl they named Ruby. She was absolutely gorgeous but she were also very vocal. Today was Darings first day back to his kingly duties since Ruby was born and he wasn't looking forward to it.

"Are you sure you can handle her"Daring asked for probably the one millionth time

"I'll be fine and if not I have back up"Cerise said before giving him a kiss and sending him in his way

The 2 said their goodbyes and Cerise closed the door and that's when the uproar started.

"Calm down Ruby please"Cerise pleaded with her newborn. She had fed her, burped and changed her but still Ruby cried and cried bringing Cerise to tears herself.

She put Ruby in her crib so she could step out and make a quick phone call.

"Cerise"Darings mom answered

"Hi Grace, I hope i'm not bothering you"Cerise said

"Not at all dear, I was just shocked about getting a call this early. What's going on honey"Grace asked

"I need some help with Ruby, she won't stop crying and i'm getting overwhelmed"Cerise explained

"Say no more i'll be there in ten minutes"Grace said

Cerise hung up and went back in the room with Ruby who was still screaming and picked her up.

"Guess who's coming Ruby, your nana and maybe you'll calm down"Cerise said unsure as Ruby continued to cry

A few minutes later, Grace busted through the doors and immediately had Cerise put Ruby down.

"My goodness, Cerise how much sleep have you been getting"Grace said examining her face

"Not much, I wanted Daring to sleep more because he had to work"Cerise explained

"Right, how about this, I'll tend to the baby and you go shower and take a nap"Grace suggested not asking

"I don't know, what if you-"

"I've got everything under control remember I had three kids and two of them are twins"Grace said sending her out

"Well ok then"Cerise said walking to the halls

After about 3 hours, Cerise finally came back to find Grace and Ruby sitting in the living room.

"Well hello everyone"Cerise said entering the room

"Look Ruby, It your mommy"Grace said turning Ruby around to see her

Cerise made her way over and took Ruby from Grace and looked down at her. Ruby smiled up at Cerise as she held her.

"That's a big smile"Cerise giggled

"Oh yes she's been practicing for you all day"Grace said smiling

"She wasn't too much trouble was she"Cerise asked

"No honey of course not, she was as good as a two month old could be"Grace said

"Well that's good to hear"Cerise said sitting next to Grace on the couch

"You know, today was really nice, I think I'll start coming over more often to help you out now that Darings back to work"Grace said

"Really, you'd do that"Cerise asked

"Of course, I can't think of a better way to spend a few days then with you and Ruby"Grace said

"Thank you so much"Cerise said genuinely

Right after that Daring got home.

"Where are my girls"He called out

"In the living room"Cerise answered

Daring walked in and said "Mom, what are you doing here"

"Cerise called me earlier and I came to help out with your little one"Grace explained

"Oh. Well thanks mom, I think i speak for all of us when i say we appreciate it"Daring said joining everyone in the couch

From that day on, Grace came 4 days a week and Cerise was no longer overwhelmed.

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