Ch 19: The Boy Who Would Be One With The Wind (Act 1)

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When Melody was finally done sulking, she had discovered that 3 more small islands had appeared. While all 3 of them didn't seem all, Melody walked towards the 4th world, that was covered in pinwheels and a windmill, and she could have sworn that she felt a small gust of wind blowing. Knowing that she couldn't find Finn unless she did this, she slowly stepped through the doors into the newest world.

Once again, her vision was bathed in white, while she heard a exited young male voice saying something...

The Boy Who Would Be One With The Wind

Melody jumped again before she saw the world change around her again. She felt a calm breeze blow around her as she gazed about this brand new world. She stepped into what appeared to be a floating island constructed out of...wreckage? An endless sky surrounded the small island, complete with paper airplanes, floating planets, and other small islands with small windmill houses, and a large whale that had multiple mechanical parts floated by

Melody also saw that her outfit had changed again to match the world. A purple jacket that seemed to be lined with wool adorned her body, while the bottom half of her had gained a purple skirt patterned with clouds and small balloons. A pair of wool legwarmers she had also gained, while a pair of goggles sat on her head. "Huh...Balan couldn't have given me a pair of pants huh." She said as she shivered from the breeze.

Melody also now noticed that most of the world was...floating above the endless sky. To be dropped from here would be a Long way down...there might not even be an end, it could be an endless drop forever...To terrified to even think about it, Melody decided the best course of action is to find the big black tree first. Her plan was quickly crushed however, as she didn't exactly see a way across. Just great big fans whirling around her.

A small sheep waved at her "C'mon! Let's go!" It said to her. Melody sweat dropped at the large fan beside her "Erm. Is there a way to get across?" She asked the sheep, but it dissappeared just as she got closer to it. The girl deflated at the sight, when she noticed another costume crystal and a key nearby. Quickly grabbing the key, she felt the new ability take form around her body...but she looked like a extra frilly sheep.

"What am I supposed to do with this?!" She questioned, until she felt...very light. Like she could literally be taken away by the wind at any given moment. A sudden noise made her jump into the air, however, just before she reached the top, she felt the wool that decorated the sheep dress expanded until it had become a giant floating ball of wool, that floated gently to the ground until Melody could touch the ground again.

"Well...I guess that helps. doesn't get me across the gap." She grimaced. Another sheep waved at her, and expanded their fluff as well, only this one rode the wind across the gap. "C'mon! Let's go!" It said to her. Melody didn't feel comfortable AT ALL doing this, but she knew that she would never be able to find Finn if she didn't do this, so back up, she took a running start before jumping into the fans. The wool cloud around her gently carried her to the other side of the fans.

Melody let out a sigh of relief...until familiar squeaks caught her attention. She groaned and paled at the same time. While the sheep costume did help her get didn't seem like it would be much use against the Negati. She fled over to a nearby hill that held another costume, one that looked like a mechanical pilot like bat. The Negati began to get closer and shoot various projectiles at her, so she quickly changed into the costume.

Melody then began to feel strange once she put it on However. Her eyes now had strange looking target symbols in them. She tried to rub her eyes, but the targets now locked onto the Negabosses. She jumped at how close they were to her, but then she felt an overpowering lunge as she flew into the Negati and kicked it out of existence. This continued until the small black creatures disappeared.

Melody panted out of exhaustion, but was at least happy that the Negati were gone. However, this left her with another problem...she couldn't get higher up to progress. The small target stayed in her eyes however, and now targeted the various colored balloons floating in the air. Unsure of what this would cause, she jumped into the air, and found herself locking onto the balloons, and jumping to and from them to the next area of solid ground. She Luckily found herself on solid land once more as she carefully walked upwards.

The little creatures that inhabited the sky high world cheered for her as she continued onwards, that's when she spotted something below her. Another costume, that looked like a wizard fox. Changing into the sheep costume, she gently floated down to the crystal before she touched it and a new costume adorned her body. " what does this thing do-" She was cut off by a bright glow adorning her body, and it became a large metal box. After a few seconds, her body returned to normal, and a very dizzy Melody shook the dizziness from her head as she checked her body

"W-W-Wha?! WHAT WAS THAT?!" Melody panicked before the bright light appeared again, and once again turned into a large metal box, that started to gently slide the hill it was one. Melody turned back just before she slid off the edge. Letting out a terrified shriek, she quickly changed into the bat costume, before she scampered away from the edge. When she finally calmed down, two words blared in her head.



When Melody found herself back in the area that she was before, she quickly made it back to the small hill before entering a cavern inside one of the hills. She noticed that more of those large fans on the sides of two grown out parts of the cavern. She saw some blue floating switches floating above these fans, and figured that those must have something to do with advanced, but before she could transform back into the sheep costume, she found herself staring down more of the Negati that had appeared again.

Narrowing her eyes, she began jumping and darting after the dark creatures to make them disappear, but unfortunately, due to an unlucky stroke of fate, one of the Negati managed to get her before she did strike it, making both the black creature, and her bat costume vanish. Melody sighed, but on the bright side, she did now have the sheep costume on, so she could reach the switches...that sat at the other side of seemingly endless pits.

Melody took a leap of faith and quickly flicked on the switches, making two stairs appear, and helped her advance on. The moment she got to higher ground, the funny little creatures cheered her on again. She smiled at them before she made her way back outside, but she was much higher than before. "Hiya." An adolescent voice said. Looking beside her, she saw a boy, with green hair, a orange vest over a white shirt, green pants, and orange shoes, however, the most striking detail would happen to be that his eyes were covered by aviator goggles

"Erm...Hi?" She said, getting closer to him, only to watch him vanish without a trace. Melody let out a sigh before she saw her way of advancing...more fans. Knowing that she didn't have a choice, she advanced forward, hoping to reach the end. When she finally reached the top, she found herself on a small patch of land with more fans, and a large wall. Unfortunately, Lance was waiting for her, and he snapped his fingers making large tentacles popped out of the ground, and wrapped around the door.

The same seahorse like Negati appeared again as it and 3 other doppelgangers appeared around the girl. Melody panicked as she jumped into the air and kicked what she assumed was the real one, but was actually one of the fakes. The real one made an small whirlwind appear around her, making her costume vanish. Melody panicked as she scrambled to reach another one before the Negati attacked her again.

Reaching the bat costume that sat neat the edge of the land, she quickly unlocked it before going after the real one again. The negati gave a pained squeak before retreating into the shadows. It hid itself before reappearing with more doubles. Melody jumped into the air and attacked the real Negati again as it once again squeaked in pain. The seahorse like negati hid itself one more time, before 5 of them appeared. Melody however was able to spot the real one as they spun around her.

Leaping into the air one more time, she was able to defeat the foe, and the tentacles separating her from the black tree vanished. She tiredly walked over to the tree and looked down at the Tims "Ok little your thing." She said tiredly. The Tims quickly dispelled the tree as the crystalline heart floated down to her hands...and the world around her shifted again.

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