Part Two

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Agnes, Kay, Steve and Jake headed through the jungle together until it started getting dark and they were losing light pretty quickly, so they decided to stop and set up camp for the evening and despite walking together for an hour or so, they hadn't really said anything to each other and it felt a little awkward. Steve was the first one to start talking, he wasn't liking the silence and even Jake wasn't his usual talkative self and he felt they needed to break the ice.

"Should we make a list of everything we have and then we can maybe share it all out so it's evenly carried?" He looked at the size of the bags both Kay and Agnes had and they were huge compared to the bags he and Jake had. "Take a little of the load?"

"Sure." Kay nodded and handed him her bag. "You can start unpacking it whilst I go and gather some fire wood. There should be quite a few ration packs in there so we can eat."

"Cool. You want any help gathering some wood?"

She shook her head. "Nah, I think I got it." Kay looked at Agnes who had started building the tent. "Fox? You gonna be good whilst I grab some wood?"

"Yeah, I have a gun. I'd like to see these fuckers try something."

"Woah!" Jakes eyes widened and she laughed. "That's not funny, I was being serious when I said you were giving me anxiety."

"Oh calm down, sexy specs." She blew him a kiss, hammering a peg into the ground. "I'm just messing with you. She smirked as Jake seemed to like her calling him sexy, even if it was aimed at his glasses.

"I'll be back in a few." Kay headed off through the trees to collect some wood and left Agnes with the guys.

Jake looked around and realised there were a few bits of wood around so he gathered them together, starting a fire off that he knew wouldn't go out if Kay brought back some wood. Once he lit the fire, he started helping Steve sort everything they had into piles and once they found the ration packs, his stomach growled.

"I'll boil some water." He gave Agnes an awkward smile as he crouched down next to her, picking up a pot that he could put on the fire and they had quite a bit of water so he just used that, there was no need to go in search of some.

As Agnes got on with the tent, she looked over to the two men and she could feel it was a little awkward, she didn't like that feeling and thought if she just started asking questions it would break the ice and they would all start getting along. She unpacked the sleeping bags and chucked them inside the tent along with a few bits and pieces before lugging the rest of her bag over to Steve.

"So how did you manage to find us? I'm still a little confused that in the whole of the fucking Bolivian jungle, you just happened to find us."

"It wasn't easy." Jake smiled and sat down to explain what had happened.

Earlier that day...

Jake was sat down with a scanner in between his legs, tinkering with it whilst his buddy Steve sat next to him with a map, trying to work out which way was going to be better for them to trek and he was leaning towards heading down the large hill they were currently on and heading North West. They'd been walking through the jungle for the last two days and despite not having any camping gear, they seemed to be managing quite well. They were trained to deal with harsh conditions and being in the jungle, they had used what they had around them which was usually just massive leaves to shelter them from the rain last night and a large piece of tarp to keep their tech dry.

"Any luck yet?" Steve asked as he scanned the view, not really seeing anything but green and the little break in the greenery where the river ran through which they had walked through yesterday and his boots were still a little damp from.

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