Chapter 1

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Y/n a young shy girl, born an only child on a little farm in vernon. You lived with your father helping him with the gardening and the animals and taking care of the crops. When you were born, your mother was sick, and it made it even worse for her in childbirth.

So you've lived with your father all by yourself not really knowing anything about your mother, But you were raised well of course, your father having to raise a little girl it was hard for him but he was able to get through it. But as you got older, you started to feel a little lonely, not having any siblings to play with, and not many children to play around.

But that all changed when you met a little boy also shy, and also an only child with a very over protective mother, Your father decided to set up a little outing with them he wanted you to make a friend and not be stuck on a farm alone for the rest of your life, so he wrote to them and they agreed. You were nervous not just because you were meeting someone new but because it was a boy, you never really been around boys except for your father, so of course you were getting a little anxious. You both arrived in your little buggy your father drove when he had to go into town either to drop of produse or sell one of the animals for money, your weren't poor but your weren't rich either so money was sometimes hard to come by but of course you didn't care you still loved your little farm and you were also too young to know about the aspects of living.

Your father helps you out of the buggy, and you both start walking to the door. The house is decent. It looked a little old but it was still a very nice house better than yours. You could say, "Your knock and you both hear footsteps coming up to the door. The door opens and you see a middle aged woman, she was wearing a dark brown dress and her hair was up in a braid with a net holding it in place “ Hello Madam” your father greets her, You were standing behind him still a little shy “ Y/n this is Madame Raquin why don't you say hello” you walk over still looking at the ground “hello” you whisper “Im sorry shes a little shy she’s never really talked to other people before” “Oh, that's all right my sons the same way please come in make yourselves at home”.

“I'm so glad we were able to make this happen my son of corse being sick isn't able to meet any children and there aren't any around here to come by so when i heard you lived nearby and you have a child i thought why not”, “sick” you think to yourself “she has a sick son” “plus i never really let him leave the house with all the mildew and the cold wind he’s already crippled as it is”, “I'm very sorry to hear that madame” “well luckily we have the medicine to keep it down for a little while”. She looks at you “Y/n why don't you go meet him? im sure hes up stairs some where” You nod and start to find your way upstairs.

You walk up the steps and see a figure by the window, you slowly move fourword and see a young boy who looked to be about your age, he was pale as snow and his hair was black and greasy. He was just staring out the window you wondering what he was looking at you start you head toward him, but you foot hits a creaky floorboard and you spook him “i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you i was just wondering what you were looking at” the boy didn't speak he just stared at you, you look to see the view out his window you could see fields in the distance and a river going past the house and a tall tree right outside his window “wow what a beautiful view i've never seen it from this level” the boy hums looking at the view as well.

Oh i'm sorry i haven't introduced myself” “i'm Y/n” the boy was still silent “your mother said you were a little shy,sometimes i'm a little shy as well” “so what's your name” you both sit there for a minute until you hear a little whisper come from him “Camille” you look at him “oh well that's a nice name” you both sit in silence again “so is there anything you like any hobbies or stuff you like” he looks down and whispers “bears” “why do you like bears”? 

“I dont know i've only heard that there big and hairy” “so you've never really seen a bear” he shakes his head “well you are right about them being big and hairy, but they also like honey and sleeping of cours” he looks up at you a little intrigued “My father took me up to see one once it was trying to catch some fish it was pretty cool” he whispers “lucky” “do you ever leave the house” “no” “your mother said you where sick” “yes i was born with a sickness which causes me to be weak and bad coughs, that's why mother never lets me go outside especially with my condition” “im sorry, but it really is amazing out there i've never really been around the world but books do help with imagination” “do you have any book about animals”?

“No i don't really have time to read because i'm always in bed” “oh well maybe i could let you borrow a book from me” “really” “sure i have plenty of books at home i wouldn't mind if you borrowed one” “Y/n its time to go we have to get home for dinner” you hear your father call your name “well i have to leave” you stand up and head for the door “it was not meeting you Camille i hope we can see eachother again soon” you smile.

From then on you both would meet and talk about different animals and countries and stuff you would want to do with your life and where you would want to go “i don't really know what i want to do in the future i always thought id just stay and take care of my fathers farm” “what kind of animals do you have on your farm” he ask “some chickens, cows, a few pigs put we also grow some crops as well but i mostly do the gardening” “do you like flowers” “yes i do my mother also did she loved blue poppy flowers of what my father told me so my father and i have been taking care of them” “do you know anything about her” “no he died when i was born but i have seen photos she was very pretty my father says i look just like her”.

“Oh i have something to give you” you reach for a bag you brought with you and pull out a book “ here for you” you pass him the book “it's yours i know how you said you never really had any books about animals so instead of letting you borrow it i want you to have it” he looks down out the book and opens it up “i think you'll like this page” you switch the pages and land on a page with a picture of two bears “so what do you think” he slowly looks at you when you see he has a smile on his face, you've never seen him smile “thank you” you smile back at him as you feel your face start to flush “wow a boy thanking me” you think to yourself “are you alright your face is a little red” “no no no…im fine its just a little warm in here” what it this feeling? Why do I feel warm? Is this what they call love…?


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