Chapter 11

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“So Y/n, what flowers do you think you’ll use for the wedding”, Suzanne asked. “I have no idea, maybe Hydrangeas….” You, Suzanne, and Madame were sitting around the dining room table, planning for you and Camille's wedding, of course that meant a lot of chatting about guests, food, flowers, the catering, even your wedding dress. “I don’t even know what type of wedding dress I’d like to wear”, you sigh, “oh Y/n, we have time you just have to think about it”, Madame rubs your shoulder. “How about we take a break from all this for now, and I’ll go start dinner,” You and Suzanne agreed and started putting everything away. You hear the shop bell ring and think it’s a customer, “I’m sorry but the shops not open”, you say, coming down the steps. You look up to see Camille standing at the door, “Camille, what are you doing here”, you smile, giving him a hug. “What, I can't step inside my own home anymore”, he jokes, “No, i just thought you’d be working late tonight.”

“Well I finished my work early, so i thought i’d come home to my family”, you squeal as he picks you up by your waist and spins you around. He places you back down on the ground and gives you a light kiss on the cheek, “well I'm glad you're here. Your mother just started making dinner”, you smile. “Grate, I'm starving,” he laughs.

Later, you were in your room putting on your nightgown and getting ready for bed. You and Camille still slept in separate rooms due to you both wanting to wait until marriage to sleep in the same bed together, but you both were fine with it. 

You quickly tidy up your room and pick up stuff off the floor and shove it into your little closet, you check to make sure everything is clean until you notice a box on the shelf in your closet. You pick it up and remember it was the gift your father gave you before his passing. “I never did get to open this, did i”, you sigh, you never really wanted to open it due to it being the last thing your father gave you, and you didn't feel like getting too emotional. 

You set the box on your bed and stare at it for a moment. You had no idea of what it was or what it could be. You sit there for another minute and sigh as you slowly start to open the box. You see a glimpse of white cloth. You open it more, and your eyes widen.

There in front of you was a silk white wedding dress, with a flower belt, and a handmade flower crown vail. But this wasn’t just any wedding dress, it was your mothers wedding dress that she wore on her wedding day. Tears start to form in your eyes and slide down your face.

You gently pick up the dress from the box and hold it up in the air, admiring its beauty

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You gently pick up the dress from the box and hold it up in the air, admiring its beauty. You’ve only ever seen photos of this dress in old photos, and as a little girl you’ve always wanted to wear that dress. Warm tears roll down your cheeks, as you look at all the little details and remember your mother in this dress, a little piece of paper falls out of the dress and lands on the floor, you pick on the paper and read, “from me and your mother. If you ever need this one day, you’ll know what to do, from Father”.

You cover your mouth as more tears roll down your face. for your father to give you something so special to him, and you made you bawl out in tears of joy. You wipe away your tears and look back at the dress, and hold it in your arms as you whisper, “Thank you, Father.”


“This dress is just lovely Y/n”, Madame says, Madame was tailoring your dress and fixing up some old rips and tares, and making sure that the dress fit you right. You stand in the mirror, gazing at your reflection, you smile remembering your mother in this dress, and now how you're going to be the one walking down the aisle in the same dress. “It is just amazing. Everyone is going to be staring at you the whole time”, Suzanne says, putting her head on your shoulder. You all were talking until you heard the door creek open, “Y/n do you want…Ow!”Suzanne slams the door in Camilles' face, making sure he doesn't see you in your dress. “Ow, what was that for”, Camille says, rubbing his nose.

“You can’t see a woman in her dress for a wedding dear, it’s bad luck”, Madame shouts through the door. “Oh, not even a little peak”, he laughs. "No, “No”, they all yell. “Is there something you want honey”, you ask, “well, I was hoping we could go and get lunch together”, “that’ll be fine, just give me a minute”, “all right”. All the girls smile at each other until, “ok just one little peak..OW!”, “No!”

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