Chapter 10

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"Where are you taking me", "you'll see, just keep your eyes closed", Camille had planned a surprise for you, but you didn't know what, "almost there, just watch your step", you laugh trying not to slip from what felt like a steep hill. "Now can i open them", "ok now you can", you open your eyes to a small candlelight picnic in front of you and a view of the river bank in front.

"Camille, did you do all this"? "Well mother helped with the cooking, but the rest was me", you smile and give him a kiss on the cheek, "this is very sweet of you, and what a view", "yes, i thought it would be nice to sit and watch the sun set", you both smile and sit on the laid out blanket, taking bites of the food that Madame had made. "When did you have time to do this, i thought you had been too busy at work", "well here and there, i've been taking my lunch breaks and taking that time to plan everything out", "aw, that's very sweet", Camille blushes. You lay back as the sun started to fully set, looking up at the night sky watching as the stars, "I'd never thought I'd see stars like this here", you smile, remembering how back in the country there would be a sky full of stars, passing by and shining brighter than ever.

Camille lays back with you, moving his arm over your shoulder and pulling you in closer. You move your head closer to his, both looking up at the night sky, "Y/n", "yes", "i love you" "i love you too", "no i mean i really love you", he sit back up looking at you, "ever since i met you i loved you, i..i just couldn't bring myself to believe it", he hold your hand, "i remember that day when you first walking into my room, i could tell you were shy..but you had to the courage to come and take to me", you smile remembering that day.

"I think ever since then, you changed my life", "you're not alone, i had no friends, nobody to talk to, all i had was the farm and papa." But that day i met also changed my life", Camille smiles, "you know if i recall, when we were 15 you used to sneak into my room after mother wouldn't let me out", you giggle, "yes, and when Therese caught us i would jump from the window, i think i feel from the tree once", you both laugh. "Y/n", "yeah", "could you stand up for me", you stand confused of what he was doing, "what are you doing", you giggle, "just wait".

Camille pulls out a small box from his pocket, and you gasp as he starts to bend down on one knee.

"F/n M/n L/n, for almost 15 years, you have been by my side, as my friend and now my lover...but I think I want us to be more". He slowly opens the box to show a gold carved ring with a lovely diamond in the middle.

"Will you marry me", hands still over your mouth, you look at the ring then back at Camille, your face burning red, "Y/n, I'm sorry..i didn't mean to pressure you, if your not ready-", "Camille", "um, yeah", you look up from the ground face still red, "yes"! You jump on top of him, "of course i'll marry you, you big idiot. You start to kiss him on the cheeks, " really mean that", "yes", he pulls the ring from the box and places it on your ring finger. "It's beautiful", you gaze at the ring as it shines in the moonlight, "Y/n", "yes", you stare into Camille's blue eyes blushing from amazement, as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you Y/n", "i love you more Camille".

You both step inside to shop to hear laughter coming from upstairs, you walk up to see Madame and everyone else at the table, "i guess they were expecting us" you whisper to Camille, "i knew mother would invite them", he giggles. You walk into the room where everyone turns to you and Camille, Madame rises from her seat smiling from excitement, "well how was it", she asks, you look to Camille and back at Madame and raise your hand to show the ring, everyone yells and cheers in excitement. "Oh i'm so happy", Madame says, tears running down her face. Everyone goes around congratulating you and Camille on the engagement.

"So Y/n do you have any plans for the wedding", Suzanne asked, "well were just going to take it slow for now, just one day at a time", you smile, looking back at Camille, giving each other another loving kiss.

a mysterious love camille raquin x fem reader imagine ( in secret )Where stories live. Discover now