Chapter 7

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You wake up the next morning with a sharp pain in your neck,you walk over to your small desk
and look in your table mirror, "crap", you look to see the mark has gotten even redder and
started bruising. You remember last night on how you got this mark, Laurent had choked so
hard you couldn't breath, you were lucky enough he let go before you could pass out, but still it
could have been worse.

You get dressed and head downstairs to start opening up the shop when someone surprises
you, "guess who", you laugh and know who it is just from the voice, "morning Camille", you
smile, "aww I thought you would be surprised", "well I am, i thought you were supposed to be at
the office today", "they let us have the day off, we,er all going out on a walk this after noon, I
mean summer is nearly over...why not enjoy it", "well that's nice to hear. You've been busy
working all the time.. I bet it would be nice to have a brake", "right, that's why I was hoping you'd
come with us, Mother already said she'll handel the shop for the day", "I think that would be be nice to get out of the house, so why not..i'd love too".

"Grate, I know we haven't talked or spent time together like we used to, so i thought this would
be a good idea...i don't want us to drift apart you know", "yeah" you sigh, "are you alright"? "Im
fine...I just didn't get much sleep last night", "you have been working a lot as well, and your neck
is red", you try to cover your neck, to stop the part that was showing from your collor, "its
nothing...its just a rash, probably from all the working, so i'm probably just a little stressed. It'll go
away", "well good thing were taking this walk, maybe it'll take your mind off things", you node, as
you try to pull up your collor more to cover the mark, "well i should go get changed, don't want to
go out looking like this", you both smile at each other as you start to head to your room to
change into a different dress.

"Summers nearly over...the leaves will be falling before we know does that happen"?,
"listen", "what"?, "I hear water" Therses says, looking over to the river "hmm..maybe it's the
leaves drifting down", "its the river, beyond those trees over there" Laurent points, "well how
about we rent a boat and row it out into the sunset...let me just rest for a minute", "are you tired"
Therese asked "oh,Im exhausted...let me just catch up on a couple of winks", he past the
ground for Therses to sit down.

"Notes this Laurent, when you get married you"ll find yourself with a portable pillow", "don't
flaunt, your good fortune, my friend", "awww...we must have walked twenty miles", "maybe two",

Camille yawns as he snuggles up into Therese's dress and tries to get warm, "you know , how about i go and rent the boat now so when we,er done resting we can go", "oh, that's sound good""Y/n, why not do it now, then later, i'll just take a quick ...

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Camille yawns as he snuggles up into Therese's dress and tries to get warm, "you know , how
about i go and rent the boat now so when we,er done resting we can go", "oh, that's sound good"
"Y/n, why not do it now, then later, i'll just take a quick nap, then we can go", you nod as you start
sato head up towards the docks.

"Are you warm enough", Therese asked, but Camille was already asleep. Therses looks to see
Camille sleeping, as she feels a touch go up her foot, "don't", she whispers, but Laurent just
shushes her and pulls off her shoe and keeps moving his hand up her leg, but before Therese
could even begin to enjoy herself. She looks off into the distance and sees a couple of familiar
faces. "Oh my god", "I know" Laurent smiles, "no you dont..look", Laurent turns his head to see
Olivier, his wife Suzanne, Inspector Michaud, and some other colleges.

"Look its Therese and Laurent"! Suzanne yells, they all wave as they start to walk over a say
hello, but before they could shout any louder, Therese shushes them, "oh is he all right"
Inspector Michaud points to Camille, "oh he's just resting", "on the ground...his mother would
have a heart attack", "I won't tell if you won't" Therses smiles, "what on earth happened to your
foot", "um, blister". "I got one to...I told you this walk was too far" Suzanne pouts "we'll your the
one who wanted to come on this walk dear", Olivier responded,"without doing a single thing we
came to do", "well if you want to rent a boat...and drift off into the sunset, go ahead. i'm going

They all start to walk off as Olivier and Suzanne keep yelling, "good day" they say to them as
they walk off. Soon, it was silent, "we should go", "where", "back", " what"?

Later, you all were at the docks, ready to sail off, but for some reason, you weren't feeling the
best, "Y/n" are you coming"? Camille asked, "you know I'm not really feeling the best...I think I'd
better walk, "are you sure.. I could come with you", "no it's fine. I don't want to spoil your fun, It
was probably the lunch, i'll be fine i'll just meet you at the next dock", well if you're sure", you
wave to them as they slowly drift around the corner. You start to walk to the next dock as you
feel butterflies in your stomach again, "he'll be fine...right"?

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