Chapter 12

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You stand in front of the mirror as you take another look at your wedding dress,amazed by its beauty and color. You smile at your reflection. *Knock, Knock*You turn from the sound of a knock at the door. "Y/n, you ready, dear?",Madame asked, peeking her head through the door. You take one last look at yourself. "Yes", you smile. Madame and you walk down stairs, to where a carriage was waiting for you. Madame helps you into the carriage, holding your dress so it doesn't get dirty by the mud.

Meanwhile, Camille was sweating like crazy, and his legs were shaking like jello. He stands in the church as he watches and waits for you to come through those big doors. "Stand straight boy, you're getting married for pete sake", says Inspector Michaud. Camille tries to stand up right, but his mind and body are all over the place. "What if she doesn't show up", Camille starts to think of, what if you don't come? What if you changed your mind? Olivier pats Camille's back. "Don't worry, It's always nerve-wracking at first. And this is a lifetime commitment, But you two seem to love each other", He says, trying to calm Camille down.

Camille's head turns as the doors slowly open. He stands up straight as he quickly fixes his hair. You walk in holding a beautiful bouquet of white flowers that you picked and your gorgeous wedding dress and veil. Camille freezes as he looks at you walking down the aisle. You looked so beautiful. He couldn't take his eyes off you. Madame and Suzanne hold onto your dress from the back so you don't trip on your dress. After a minute, they help you walk up the few steps, and everyone sits down.

You and Camillie stand side by side as you make glances towards each other, smiling. The priest has you both say a few prayers, and then says a few of his own. "In the name of God, do you Camille raquin, take this woman, to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until are parted by death."

"I do." "and you Y/n YL/n, In the name of God, take this man, to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until are parted by death?" "I do", you replied.

The Priest then lightly flicks holy water onto the both of you. Now let us humbly invoke God's blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony." "In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife!

You and Camille turn towards each other as he pulls you in for a kiss. Everyone cheers and claps. You both then walked off the steps to Madame. "Y/n, Camille, i've been thinking.. I am getting older, and now that you two are married. I decided to put your names in my will. Before, it would have been Camille, but...i want both of you to have it. So when I pass the shop, the money, it will be yours."

"Madame, that's too much...i mean", Madame shushed you before you could finish. "You are now family, and as family, you deserve it. So's my wedding gift." You look at Camille then back at Madame. "Thank you", you hugged her.

Everyone walked out of the church as the ladies stood in a crowd to try and catch the bouquet. You step onto the carriage, and turn, your back facing towards the girls. You start to count down as the girls begin to shove, so they can catch the flowers. "1...2...3!", you fling the flowers behind you as the girls shove and push to grab it. You and Camille laugh as you both fully step into the carriage.

You peek your head out as you wave goodby. You look at Camille as you rest your head on his shoulder. "I love you", "i love you too."

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