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AN: From the previous chapter until now... it's been 2 years. I greatly apologize to my readers who look forward to this story's continuation. I will continue to update this year in 2023.
Preview Picture: As this was coming from Pinterest, I cannot find the true artist of this. I cri. Here's the link to it at least:


It was dead in the night, most likely one or two in the morning. Shuffling noises lightly echoed throughout the apartment as the three servants sat around the small living room table, flattening the map of England on the wooden frame. The youngest one pointed out the general area of what he may have felt and the possible distance of its origin. Lancer snorted at the near-impossible feeling that his younger self may have felt. Caster stabbed his knight-class counterpart with the blunt end of his staff, causing him to wheeze and hold his stomach.

"Younger self, tell us what you felt when with Yuuki. We may have similar instincts but we clearly do not share the same information of the present time." Caster softly spoke as he stared down at the map, placing a round piece at the location Proto mentioned. The mage's eye twitched as an urge to smoke fell upon him. He swiped a lollipop off the table and stuck it in his mouth to satisfy his nicotine urges.

"Candy? That's a poor excuse to hide an addiction, you spearless shit." Lancer spat out as he held his stomach from the residual pain that occurred earlier. "Only to keep her living corridors free from the toxins, you spearhead. Now, Proto. Do tell us before this idiotic older version of yourself decides to spit out more craziness."

"There was no malicious intent during the trip, just hints of uncanny magic lingering from... approximately 10 kilometers southeast." He motioned his index finger around the approximate area. "Couldn't tell what type of magic it was though... Whether it was ancient magic or something completely modern." Caster's hand was plopped onto the head of his younger self before ruffling his head. "Good job. Despite being occupied by milady during that time, you sure kept our name intact."

"What? Being a damn dog?" Lancer spat once more in his usual sarcastic tone before being punched... this time on his side, by Proto. "What's the big deal... with me taking all the hits?!" The male wheezed as he spoke. Proto stood up and took a wooden spear from the small weapon rack in the corner. "That's your fault for having a sardonic retort with everything. The two of us here are concerned. On the other hand, you are being a pain in the ass with your answers. What's up with that, Lance?"

"I don't trust that there's some bizarre magic within the depths of London here. Especially with so many magic users living in this area. Hell with that; the Clock Tower is here bustling with a crap ton of mages. They would have noticed far longer than we did." Lancer rubbed his side before stretching as he explained. "So why bother with all these suspicions?"

"So you're saying not to be concerned with Yuuki's safety, regardless of security around the damn area?" Caster's eyes squinted in annoyance at Lancer as the knight class's face twisted into a concerned expression. "...Alright alright. You're a pain in my ass, but this is something we can agree on."

He straightened his back before leaning forward towards the map on the table. "Distance was what again? 10 kilometers? This was during your trip, right? So that means that the distance from where you were and to this apartment is different then." He scanned the map as he cracked his knuckles. "That's 'bout 14 kilometers from this very location. As of now, it doesn't seem dangerous but at best to have someone on the lookout in the midst of the night." Proto just stared at his older counterpart with a raised brow.

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