🍪Girl scout cookies🍪

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[Who allowed Tom to look this good?!? This is illegal]
Edd: Girl scout s'mores
S'more anything will have him jumping with joy

Matt: Raspberry rallies
Matt likes fruits a lot, so he just had to buy a box or 2

Tom: Samoas
Mans do love himself some coconut and caramel

Tord: Chocolate Chip
Basic tastes, but still a classics lover

Eduardo: Toffie-tastics
Eduardo just dips these in his morning coffee

Jon: Peanut butter patties
Peanut bubber make mans wiggle and smile

Mark: Lemon ups
Mark prefers artificial lemon flavoured cookies

Paul: Thin mints
Have you ever had a thin mint?

Patryk: Thin mints
Seriously. They are immaculate. Buy 5 boxes

[These are all basted off of a list of cookies I found online, idk if these flavors are sold everywhere but they can work for fiction]

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