🥃Bad habits🚬**

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[Chimken nuggies make my serotonin happy]
[TW mentions of habits that may trigger some readers!!]

Edd forgets that he is a human being from time to time and will forget to properly take care of himself during these periods. He won't eat, sleep, drink water, nothing. Just work work work. Now, he won't snap at anybody, but in these times he does get fussier and won't really listen to anyone until they forcefully put him to bed. No one really understands why he does this, not even Edd himself can fully explain why.

Matt overspends on things all the time. Buying more than he needs and stuffing it up into his room. And he won't get rid of anything. So, he is constantly getting into arguments with Edd and Tom from the lack of space and rent he is putting forth. He feels bad, but he doesn't want to give up anything. Feeling they all have sentimental value. He's also obviously a narcissist, so he can come off as rude to others every once in a while.

He gets into fights. A lot. And not just yelling matches either, actual fist fighting brawls. Now most of these "outbursts" are between him and Tord, getting violent every so often, but it's normally just yelling. However when it does take that turn he is gone. Full on trying to beating the crap out of whoever flipped his lid. He's aggressive and he knows it. He doesn't want to be but it can't be helped.

He's too proud and too stubborn to ever see himself in the wrong. If you guys are ever in an argument he always has to be right. When he fails at something he doesn't face reality, turning a blind eye to it. And when he needs help he doesn't call out. He just sits there with himself and figures someway to do it all by himself, even if it simply cannot be done.

He drinks way too many energy drinks. Normally he would just drink a coffee or two throughout the day, but he's always had a problem with energy drinks and they stack up very quickly. Having him finish off 3 large monsters within 3 hours and leaving his hands to start shaking uncontrollably. And being the man he is no one can try and tell him to stop cause he won't listen.

He bites his nails and fingers until they bleed. As a tactic to keep him occupied in boring or stressful situations he gnaws and gnaws on his digits until they are raw and he can barely feel them. You and Eduardo have both tried to get him to stop on multiple occasions but he hasn't stopped. Even giving him little fidgets won't cure the problem cause he'll accidentally forget them somewhere and the process starts all over again.

He isn't full on balemic, but more often then not he'll forcefully make himself throw up if he feels he's gained too much weight. Along with this he takes diet pills making him sicker than doing anything good. At one point it had gotten so bad he needed to be rushed to the hospital cause he had fallen unconscious due to a lack of nutrients he was allowing his body.

He smokes at least 3 times a day, finishing off a pack of cigarettes each week. Though cutting back as of recent, he still smokes a lot. He also doesn't have a filter as to where he decides to smoke, leaving your shared room smelling like smoke and walls stained with a black dusting from the fumes. You two have argued a couple times about this and that's why he has been cutting back as well as restricting himself to smoking outside.

He doesn't sleep for long periods of time due to being a pilot which carries over when he is off duties. Often spending late nights watching tv on the couch while eating leftovers or popcorn. Now this isn't entirely his fault, but he never seems to have a drive to fix it either. You've tried giving him melatonin gummies or syrups to ease him to sleep but he never takes them.

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