🎄Merry Christler🎄

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{I think, you know, where this about to go—}
For Christmas Edd wanted to do something special, so for 12 days—yes like the song—he gave you a small gift. That gift ranged from little drawings to baked goods or knickknacks that you like. Nothing huge but he just likes seeing you smile. He's 100% inviting you to his family's holiday dinner, and they will absolutely love having you there.

Bouts of arson anyone? While no, he won't set the entire house on fire, he will try to set at least one thing ablaze. And if you join him then it's even the better. He may not celebrate the holiday nor like it by any means but he's not going to actively ruin it for you, especially if it's your favorite time of the year

Oh for the love of holly, this man is the most excited out of the whole bunch (minus Patryk). He's the first to suggest putting up your tree and will put it upon himself to decorate, and to put the star on obviously. You have to hide presents though, cause Matt just loves surprises and can get a bit mischievous if left alone for too long with the gifts just sitting there in front of him—

Tord actively plays Christmas music on full blast just to mess with Tom, even though he himself isn't a huge fan of the jingles. You'll usually find Tord wrapped up in a cozy sweater drinking eggnog or hot cocoa on the sofa just reading, or tinkering in his "secret" workshop. Not one to thoroughly enjoy the cold he'll always be in a warm coat of hoodie, but put him in a snowball fight and it is on. sight.

Your house literally smells like gingerbread and cookies throughout the season, that's how much this man loves Christmas. Of course he'll also implement more Spanish traditions into his holiday, mostly in the form of festive foods. Catch Eduardo on a good day and you might be able to catch him singing along to Christmas songs, or maybe even wearing an ugly sweater.

Jon will always have a cup of cocoa in his hands, or a baked good if Eduardo had made some. He relishes the entirety of ugly sweaters and "forces" the others to wear them with him. Some are more lenient than others but he can eventually persuade them. His favorite tradition is to wrap gifts, something about it is just so calming and satisfying for him. He sucks at snowball fights, but will be found outside at least once a day to make a snow angel, and you are more than welcome to join every time

Mark has set his sights on finding the ugliest sweater to wear, he just finds it so fun to see Eduardo's face scrunch in disgust at every one he finds and wears. He's the easiest to convince for Jon and will happily oblige, as long as he picks his sweater. He'll even wear them out in public proudly, going to different cafes just to show them off or to embarrass the others. Eduardo has stopped going places with him around this time

Again, this man will put mistletoe everywhere just so he could get kisses. During Christmas he has two distinct moods: one that wants to be active and do practically everything, while the other is like a bear that just wants to sleep and eat all day and do nothing. There is no in between, he'll either drag you out to go play in the snow or he'll never leave the couch while being wrapped up in a comforter

He is the only person that could rival Matt's excitement for the holiday, prepping way before the season even begins. As soon as Thanksgiving is over he will be dragging out box after box of decorations to place all over your house/apartment. Everything about Christmas he prepares for before hand, everything except gift buying, which he saves till last minute but always manages

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