Chapter 30

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Harley screwed his face up at the cards in his hands, glancing up at Axel, before back down to the cards again.

"You really need to work on your poker face," Axel laughed, leaning back into the sofa.

"What's the point when I'm confused as hell," he huffed in response.

The two men were gathered around the coffee table in the living room, Axel in the process of teaching Harley how to play poker. Harley had the motivation to learn for years, but wanted his older brother to be the one to teach him, and not anyone else. As part of Axel's guilt for beating up Lucas a few weeks ago, he had dedicated multiple hours of his days off from the car dealership to spend time teaching Harley, along with many other favors and trips to the diner- on Axel's dime, of course.

Harley would be lying if he said he didn't relish in the attention with Axel trying to bend over backwards for him at every instance he could, but they were all in a much better place now, and the constant pandering wasn't really necessary anymore. Whenever Harley would protest, however, Axel would insist and state that it was still required given his unruly and inappropriate behavior. Lucas was also thoroughly reaping the benefits of Axel's guilt, even more so than Harley.

After the fight, Lucas was left with dark purple bruising all down his side, and a thick band of discoloration covered his throat from where Axel's muscled forearm pressed into it. Axel had this completely wrecked and distraught look flash across his face whenever he saw it- even when the bruises had faded, his desire to make amends continued to flourish.

"What's confusing?"

"I don't know what I should bet with these cards. I don't think they look good."

"Let me see," Axel outstretched his hand, wiggling his fingers playfully for Harley's cards.

"But if I show you then you'll know how to play against me," Harley retorted, peeking over the tops of the cards slightly. His brother smirked, dropping his head slightly, before looking back at Harley.

"Call it an educational round. No winners or losers."

"Alright, fine," Harley conceded, relinquishing his cards to Axel. The older man surveyed them for a moment, green irises dancing across the faces as he pondered the potential moves.

"You could double down on this. You're in a good spot," he nodded, handing the cards back to Harley, who stared at him in shock.

"Really? Doubling down would be a good move here?"

"Yeah, put down your chips and I'll show 'ya."

"I don't know. . .'' Harley trailed off uncertainly, but placed down some additional betting chips into the play.

"You'll see in a second," Axel assured, moving to pull some cards. "Watch-"

A sudden bout of muffled yelling began outside, distracting the two men's attention from the game, as both of their heads whipped towards the ruckus.

"What the hell is going on out there?" Harley muttered as Axel stood with a grunt.

"No idea, but I should check to make sure it's not Mr. Richter wandering out into the street. He's got dementia and gets lost from time to time. He blocks the roads and the drivers will yell at him."

Harley watched intently as Axel moved to the window behind the kitchen table, brushing aside the paisley curtain to peek outside. After only a second, Axel jolted back, staring at the window wearily as the curtain obscured the view again, before he rushed over to Harley.

"What's going on?"

"Go upstairs. Find Jackie," Axel said hurriedly, ushering Harley along towards the stairs.

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