Catching feelings~

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(Ok before anything I just want to say that I'm surprised that people are reading my Wattpad story lol. And sorry I didn't post anything its bc I have school and it's just hard bc well I get drained out at school so thank you and let's continue.)

                                                                           Y/ns POV:

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                                                                           Y/ns POV:

I umm.......we should go now Muichiro or else were going to be late. I grabbed my katana and walked with him to the master's mansion. Muichiro may I ask you a question? He turned around and looked at me we were both looking at each other. Ok what's your question Y/n. Well do you know when is my estate will be finished? He seemed a little sad. Yes, it's almost finished the are going to finish in a couple days. I see... well I'm excited. After a while we arrived, I saw my Giyu coming closer to me. Oh Oni- Chan, I hugged him tightly. You're squeezing me you know. So? Whatever hurry master will be here any minute. Ok ok come on Muichiro- Kun! ...... Oh...... yea.

                                                          Ok idk if it is 3rd person or 2nd person:

Muichiro and Y/n both sat at their spots while she heard Gyomei praying and Sanemi's mean ass wanting to fight with Tengen. She heard silence when Master Ubuyashiki were Infront of them. Hello, my children I hope all is well with you on this lovely morning. They all bowed. Goodmorning Master. They all said except Muichiro who was looking into the sky. "What was that clouds name again...?"Y/n looked she found a girl that looked around her age with long dark green locks of hair she was a demon slayer because of her katana and her uniform. "She is a new pillar her name is Mei Mitsoro please greet her with respect and kindness. 

                                                                  Y/n POV:        

She seemed off. I greeted her with a light smile. "Hello, I'm the Moon Hashira Y/n Tomioka." She rolled her eyes did I only notice that? Muichiro greeted her too. " Hello im the Mist Hashira Muichiro Tokito." I noticed her blushing at him...... but I liked him.

                                                            Mei Mitsoro Pov:

That girl.... she is pretty im jealous well whatever im prettier. That guy his name is Muichiro he looks so cute I can date him were so perfect for each other. They seem close whatever like i care about her " Royal Highness". I can just get rid of her. 

                                                                     Y/n POV: 

 I walked back to Muichiro's estate. Muichiro? Yea....what do you need Y/n? About that girl Mei... she seems a little off to me. If you think about it... she was looking at me like if someone stared at a cute dog for too much. I laughed a bit. I think she likes you~. Hm no I think I like someone else. Then who Muichiro. He didn't say anything to me there was silence all the way back to the mansion. I walked up to Muichiro he seemed like he completely left the earth. I sneaked up to him. Boo! I laughed. You scared me Y/n! I'm sorry Muichiro I but it was funny. He grabbed my wrist and kissed me lightly. Hm?! I looked at him.                                                                                                                   ............................................................................................................................................................

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