Chapter 1: New To School, New Friends

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My hands shook as I stared in awe at the bright red train that would take me to Hogwarts for my 6th year. My father, Draven L/N stood behind me, one hand on my shoulder and one hand entwined with my mother's, who's name was Elina. My parents were as opposite as two people could get. My father, on one hand, was cold and strict, and not afraid to hit his family. He had quite the reputation, and would stop at nothing to make sure it remained untarnished. My mother, on the other hand, was sweet and protective, kind and loving. She was shy and basically a nobody in the wizarding world. Of course, they were both purebloods, as blood purity was important to my father. My mother couldn't care less. "....and remember, not matter what you do, don't tell anyone your last name. I've already asked Dumbledore to call you by your first name." my father was saying. I sighed. I heard this talk about a hundred times over the summer. My dad liked to pretend he didn't have a daughter. I was home schooled up until this year, and over the summer, my mother managed to convince him to send me to Hogwarts. The whistle blew and I jumped. "I better go." I mumbled to my parents. My mum pulled me in for a hug. "I love you, stay safe." She whispered in my ear. I smiled at her and boarded the train.
It was considerably quieter on the train, but it was still pretty loud. All the compartments I saw were full so I opened the door to a compartment with four boys in there. One had raven black hair, hazel eyes and glasses. One had shoulder length brown hair and grey eyes. One seemed a deal taller than the others. He had light brown hair and his face was a map of old scars. I wondered how he had gotten them, but pushed the thought out almost immediately. It wasn't my place to know. The last boy was short, with watery blue eyes and blond hair. All four of them looked at me. "Um... Can I sit here?" I asked awkwardly. They all looked at each other and the one with glasses nodded. I smiled gratefully and sat down close to the door. The tall boy stood up and shut the door. "Oh sorry.." I said, blushing. He smiled kindly at me. "It's ok."
We started talking and the boys introduced themselves. The boy with glasses was James Potter (I had heard a lot about his parents from my mother, secretly though), the boy with long hair was Sirius Black (who must be their 'disgrace of a son' as my dad put it), the boy with scars was Remus Lupin and the short boy was Peter Pettigrew. "Nice to meet you all." I said politely. "So what's your name?" Sirius ventured. "Oh I um-" What did I say? All the boys had introduced themselves with their last names as well. "It's Y/N." I finished, flushing with embarrassment. "What's your last name?" James asked. "It's um- not important." I stammered. James frowned but didn't press me. "So how come you're only starting Hogwarts now? Are you a transfer student?" Remus asked. I was grateful for the subject change. "No I was homeschooled." I told him. Remus nodded in understanding. We fell into a slightly awkward silence. "I'm going to go change into my Hogwarts robes." I said quietly, and got up to find the bathroom.
After I changed, I was about to go find the boys, but I got distracted. A girl with ginger hair and bright green eyes was washing her hands. She noticed me and beckoned me over. I stood awkwardly for a few seconds before making up my mind and walking over to her, a light blush dusting my cheeks. "Hi! Are you new? I haven't seen you around Hogwarts before." She said in a friendly voice. I nodded shyly. "You should totally come meet my friends then!" the girl exclaimd. Did I want to? I was already friends with the boys. Then again, it would be nice to make some girl friends too. I smiled and nodded. "You don't talk much, do you?" Lily said to me as we left the bathroom. "Not really, no." I admitted shyly, my blush surely becoming more intense. "That's alright. I'm Lily." The girl said. "I'm Y/N." I told her, glad I didn't have to reveal my surname.
It turns out that Lily's friends were very nice and varied. There was Dorcas, a 6th year Hufflepuff with short blond hair and freckles. There was Marlene, a loud, 6th year Gryffindor with strawberry blond hair. There was Alice, a shy 7th year Gryffindor with short brown hair and Mary, a 6th year Gryffindor with long blond hair.
After sitting with the girls for a bit I stood up. "Where are you going Y/N?" Alice asked, a frown forming between her eyebrows. "I was sitting with someone before..." I said slowly. The girls nodded with understanding and I left.
I joined the boys in their compartment again. "Blimey Y/N!" James said when I walked in. "Where were you? We were about to go looked for you." I looked at James ans the others sheepishly. "Sorry I got.... Preoccupied." I mumbled. "It's ok." Remus assured me. I smiled at him.

And there we go, first chapter done. Do you guys prefer longer or shorter chapters? I think this story might be a mix of both. I would just like to say: the descriptions of Lily's friends are what I IMAGINE them like. Feel free to imagine them in your own way.

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