Chapter 1: Dad ?

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"Gregory ~"
'Shit Vanny's here' I thought. I started running through the corridor looking around for a place to hide but there was only walls and vents too high for me to get in. 'fuck'

I kept running looking around trying to stay calm so Vanny won't catch me but I can't run eternally, I'm going out of breath and she slowly getting closer to me.

I turned at a fork and saw a door 'finally'. I ran through it and slammed it behind as quickly as I could. I leant against the door, took a dip breath and waited.

I put my ear against and listened. No sounds, I think she's gone.

I opened the door carefully and looked on the other side. I suddenly heard children voice coming from everywhere.

"Where the f#ck I am" I said under my breath. I was in the pizzaplex in the middle of the night a second ago and now I'm in an unknown place in the middle of the day. It makes no sense.

I got out of the room without really looking at it, closed the door carefully and went to look around trying to not attract attention, then I bumped into someone.

I looked down, it was a small boy  with messy brown hair gray t-shirt and  blue shirt that looked a lot like me but younger.

"I'm sorry" I tried to apologize " I wasn't looking where I was going." The boy looked up at me. He had beautiful blue and green eyes.
"It.. it's ok" he replied "I...I wasn't looking either."

The boy's eyes

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The boy's eyes

I'm sure I already saw him somewhere before but where ? There is nobody with those eyes at school and I'm not the type of people to remember someone after seeing them once. 'Weird'

"Evan !" I looked up and saw a  teenager with brown hair and blue eyes coming our way.
"Dad ?" He stopped and looked at me like if I was an alien or some weird thing.

"What...?" shit did I said it out loud ? Of course I did stupid, he wouldn't have reacted like that if I didn't.

The teenager walked few steps closer and knelt next to the small boy. "You alright ?"

So this is why I felt like I knew him, he is Evan dad's younger brother and I saw him in his olds years books.
The teenager is dad's past self and I don't know how but I am in the past.

"Who are you ?" I was snapped out of my trance by my father's past self calling me. "I...hum..." What should I say, ? I can't tell him I'm his futur son. He will make fun of me and go away.

"I..I'm Gregory" I said. "Cool name."he replied. Of cours you do like it, you're the one who named me like that.

"So, what were you doing near the basement ?" past dad asked. Shit I didn't though about that. "I...I was Humm.." what do I say ?

"Mikey !" he turned his head to look at the girl who called him, ginger hair with a bow on it, pink shirt with a blue skirt and bright green eyes.
It was Elizabeth, his sister.

"What ?" past dad asked "You left me" Elizabeth said angrily. "Not my fault if Evan run away" he answered. "Why is it always about him" she shooted raising her arms to show her anger "I'm the youngest you should pay more attention to me !" she crossed her arms.

Dad told me that Elizabeth wasn't always nice with Evan but right now she just sounds like a little brats.

"The fact that you are the youngest don't do anything" I said. Elizabeth glazed at me "This is none of your business" she shooted "Who even are you ?" I looked at her with an half smile "Non of your business" I said playfuly.

Evan laughed softly "I don't really know who you are but I already like you" he said. "Thank you I guess" I smiled at him "I like you too"
( AN: don't get weird idea this is not an Gregory x Evan fanfic even if I like this ship. It would be weird since Michael is Gregory's father in this AU)

I wish I could meet him in my timeline, it would be nice to spend some times with dad's family, but it's complicate to spend time with dead people.

"See ! Everyone always favorise him" Elizabeth shooted at us. "I met you not even a minute ago and all you did was shooting at me" I said " you really think that makes me want to be nice with you ?"

Elizabeth looked down "Sorry" she said. "It's ok" I said "But you should also say sorry to your brothers." "Sorry Evan, sorry Michael." She said, I smiled.

Past dad looked at me "You're good with children" he said. "Thank you I guess." I answered putting my hands on my hips. "I did just like my father" I added with a big smile.

Dad said I sounded like Elizabeth, always wanting to make my father proud and be like him, but that I was Less annoying than her.

Dad's past self looked at me with a sad smile "Your father must be a good person" he said " I wish mine paid more attention to me and my siblings"

'Of course you are' I thought. I looked at him,"Who raised you if your father don't pay attention to you ?" I asked already knowing the answer. "I did" past dad said sadly.

I don't like to see him sad, so I smiled and said "You got raised by a good person too then." He smiled back "Thanks" he said embarrassed.

"Oh, my name is Michael by the way" he added "and they are my siblings; Evan and Elizabeth" "Nice names" I replied.

"Wanna come play with us ?" Evan asked "We were going outside." I don't really have anything to do so.. "Sure why not" I said and we left the building.

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