Chapter 8: Past story

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(A/n; sorry for the long wait, there is the chapter 8)

When my dad's past self came back Evan was telling me one of his favorite bed time stories - one of my favorites as well I like when it involves magic and the supernatural.

Dad was right when he said I would have a great bond with his brother if he was still alive, we have a lot of things in common.

When he saw his brother inside the room Evan stopped talking and smiled at him, "Mikey!" past dad came closer and sat on the bed next to us, handling me a plate full of vegetables and rice - I'm not a big fan of vegetables but dad always said it was good for my health and it's always good when it comes from him.

... maybe people are right when they say I'm such a daddy's boy...


I took the plate past dad gave me and started eating, I don't know how I didn't realize it until now but I was actually starving.

Evan turned back to me after a few seconds, "You said you would tell us why you broke in tears at the mean thing father laughed at you when Mikey came back." Evan remembered, immediately looking at my plate after saying that to see how long it would take me to finish before I could talk.

It took me almost an half hour to finish the plate, I was indeed very hungry but I always been a slow eater.

I put the plate on the night stand and changed to a more comfortable position. Past dad and Evan did the same, looking at me and waiting for the beginning of the story.

"Don't worry Gregory," past dad smiled his hand on my shoulder, "you can take all the time you need." he said. "We won't force you to speak." Evan added also putting his hand on my shoulder.

I smiled "No, you're right, I think talking about it will make me feel better..." I whispered, remembering what he told me earlier. "Alright, but don't force yourself." he said at last.

I nodded and looked away to the window, watching the wind and the birds in the trees for a few seconds before looking back at them.

"I... I don't really remember my biological parents but... they probably didn't like me because...  because I know they abandoned me in the street when I was only a few weeks old." I started

"THEY DID WHAT!?" Evan shot throwing his hand over his head, I covered my ears so his scream wouldn't make my head hatch too much. "Evan, calm down and let him continue" past dad said calmly putting his brother's harms down. "But what they did is horrible." he protested, "I know buddy but we can't change the past so now let him continue." past dad murmured.

'You can't change the past' I thought 'but I probably can' this idea was stuck in my head since I got here... Would it be possible for me to change the past, save my aunt and uncle, the missing children and give Dad a better life?  But at the same time if I do that it would change my present at the same time no?

"Gregory ?" I jumped getting out of my trance as past dad called me "Sorry, I zoned out" I apologized rubbing the back of my neck. "It's ok don't worry" my dad's past self smiled at me.

"Dad told me he found me in front of his door around 7 in the morning when he was coming back from work." I continued staring in blank between dad and Evan's past selves.

"Back from work at 7am?" Past dad asked "your father worked at night?" I don't know why but he sounded worried "Yes, he was a night guard at Fred... hum... he was a night guard." I spilled, better not make them think that dad worked for their father since he worked at Freddy's to stop him and would never work for this &-#?€:*#.

"It must be tiring to take care of a toddler when you work at night." Evan noted sitting closer to me. I looked at him then at my dad's past self and sighed "he wasn't sleeping a lot" I began "he was taking care of me during the day and worked at night." I took a deep breath and smiled "he started working during the day and sleeping at night when I went to school."

"Your father seems to be very important to you" past dad said, smiling boredly. "Yes, he is the best dad I could ever wish for!"

Past dad had a sad smile on his face; it's oblivious he was happy for me and wished the same for him and his siblings.

"Like you with Evan and Elizabeth" I giggled to make their sadness fade away. "I wish I could meet your father" Evan whispered staring in blank.

"You already know him" I thought

I hugged him and continued my story, "He raised me for nine years, then one day, he went to work and never came back" I said, the last words barely audible.

"Did....did he abandon you?" Evan asked shyly seeing the pain on my face. "," I started with a shaking voice "I heard on the news a few days later that... that the place he worked at b.. burned down..." I sobbed before breaking in tears again.

Past dad came closer and took my shaking body in his arms, he hugged me tightly and rubbed my back slowly to calm me down, "I'm sorry for what happened to you he said." Evan joined the hug and I smiled slightly happy to feel my family love again.

"I don't wanna leave anymore..."

"But at the same time I wanna go back to my timeline and look for my dad."

"He is an Afton after all..."

"He can't die,"

"Afton always come back"

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