Chapter 5: Again

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"Gregory !"


I was awaken by a childish voice screaming my name. I blinked to adjust my eyes to the outside light and looked at the young boy who was shaking me to wake me up.

"Stop shaking me Evan, I'm awake now." I growed, "Mikey said you have to get up and come to eat breakfast!" Evan pleaded before pushing me out of bed.

"Ouch, what was that for?" I hissed before. "You slept with Mikey! Only I can do that!" He replied. Seriously? He pushed me out of bed just for that!

I stood up and followed him downstairs. When I entered in the kitchen, past dad was talking nicely with Elizabeth while cooking breakfast.

"'morning" I said siting in front of Elizabeth, Evan next to me. "Good morning Gregory" past dad replied,"how did you sleep?"

How did I sleep? much better than in the street or even in the orphanage I guess. "It was the best sleep I had in weeks" I answered, it was even the best sleep I had in months actually, maybe in years, even with my Fredbear plush I didn't really slept well since dad disappeared.

I saw dad's past self put few pancakes on Elizabeth's plate,"do you also want pancakes boys?" he asked looking up at Evan and I."Of course we do, your pancakes are the best in the world." I smiled happily, immediately regretting what I said when the three of them glared at me with a questionnig look. "I mean it looks like it, I didn't taste them yet" I quickly added embarrassed,'arg, why do I always spill' I thought.

"Hmm..ok" past dad said sceptical and put pancakes on Evan and I plates then in his. He turned back and put the pan on the gaz cooker, then he went to one of the cupboard opened it and took out a jamjar, a jar of what looked like honey and a bottle of syrup before putting them on the table. "Take everything you want on your pancakes, there is also butter." he said making his way to the fridge before coming back with butter and sit with us to eat his breakfast.

"It's sunny outside." Evan said pointing the window, "What about we go play outside after we finished eating breakfast?" my dad's past self asked. "Yeah!" Elizabeth agreed, her mouth still full of pancakes. Past dad looked at me and Evan to get our answers and we both noded.

I stepped outside and looked around at the garden -I didn't yesterday cuz it was dark and we couldn't see well and we didn't went to the back yard actually- it wasn't big compared to the house but it wasn't small either. 'So there is something here that is smaller than in my house' I laughed to myself. On both sides a lot of colourful flowers were planted and we could see pine trees on the back but the rest of the garden wasn't taken care of, wild flowers and weeds where everywhere and you could hide just by laying down. The clean part was probably made by dad's past self, he loves gardening.

Evan and Elizabeth were planning with the the grass each in one side of the garden like if they didn't want to talk to each other. I giggled and stepped farther in the back yard to play with them.

"Mikey! Look, I found a four leaf clover !" Evan yelled running to his older brother, he handed the clover to my dad's past self "this is a gift for you" he smiled. Past dad smiled back and gently took the small gift from his brother's hand "thank you, this is a beautiful gift."

Evan ran back to the garden and bent down again in the weeds, probably looking for another four leaf clover. Past dad sat up from the door way and stepped in the garden before stopping next to me.

"Are you alright?" I jumped and looked at my dad's past self next to me "uh..?" he giggled "sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I rubbed my neck embarrassed "but seriously, are you ok? You've been staring in blank for few minutes." he said worryingly. "Oh.. yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking. Not sure about what though." I replied. "If you say so. But tell me if something is wrong ok." he smiled.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before he stepped in Elizabeth way "You shouldn't stay here alone." he said turning back to me "You can go play with Evan, I'm sure you don't want to hear Elizabeth telling you how wonderful Circus Baby is during hours." we both laughed "I will go with her so she won't be alone." he said at last.

I nodded and run to Evan, "Thanks dad!" I said unconsciously.


'He did it again'


Back in time (Glammike /Dadmike AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora