Brave and Noble...

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"Why does this line have to be so long?" [Y/N] mumbled.

Who would've thought that heaven actually was standing on the clouds? This is where [Y/N] was.

She was the next in line to be judged by Glob and accepted into heaven. Finally, the person in front of her entered and she was next.

"Hello, [First Name] [Last Name]. A little early for you, don't you think?" She nodded. "Welp, let's get this over with, shall we?" He took a look at a paper and squinted his eyes. "Huh, what's this?" He mumbled some words from the paper. He looked up at [Y/N] and cleared his throat.

"Ehem, [F/N] [L/N], I declare that for sacrificing yourself for Finn Mertins, and for being a noble, young girl, that you will be sent back to Earth, and live a full life."

[Y/N]'s eyes sparkled. Was it really going to happen? Was she really going to be reunited with the boys?!?

"On one condition..." [Y/N]'s smile faded.

"You must not act like yourself, for if anyone knew, you would be put in an unsafe position. Anyways, stay safe, [Y/N]! And don't tell anyone!"

He waved, and that's when she blacked out.

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