Asking the Enemy

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As Finn woke up, he was determined to find [Y/N], even if she wasn't even alive.

He loved her and he needed to find her.

Finn woke Jake up, shaking him until he sat up groggily.

"Ugh...Yeah, Finn? What's up?" He mumbled while running his eyes.

"Jake, I had another dream with the Cosmic Owl. This time, it was about [Y/N]. Jake, I think she's alive!"

"What? But didn't James kill her?!" Jake exclaimed.

"Don't remind me." Said Finn.

"Sorry." Replied Jake.

[Time Skip Provided by Doge]

"What do you mean she's alive?!" Yelled PB.

"Ssh! Tell me PB, did you see anyone who admitted in the Candy Hospital a few days ago?!" Said Finn.

"Well, yeah, but-" "Tell me where she is!!" "Okay! Okay! Calm your cheese balls!! She's in the ice cream kingdom! Here, I'll even give you a map to it!!"

Finn took the map and smiled happily. He then pecked PB on the cheek and ran off.

PB watched him then looked to the ground, tears in her eyes, while rubbing her cheek.

"Why can't he just choose me?" She mumbled.

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