Fine then!!!

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You've been staying in a tent in the woods, one you've always kept in your shoulder bag for situations like this. You felt bad for leaving Finn back at the treehouse, but it's not like he was gonna date you again anyways. Besides, he's not alone, Jake's got him.

You were going back to your old personality. Back before you met Finn, you were a loner who lived in the woods. Exactly how you were now.

You sighed.

You layed on the ground and stared up at the clouds through the leaves. You thought it looked beautiful. Suddenly, clouds formed and you felt a drop of water on your forehead. Then another. Then another.

You sat up and looked down. Tears streaming down your cheeks collided with the cold rain. You suddenly felt a blanket over you as you looked up and your [e/c] eyes met with green concerned ones. "You okay?" The boy asked.
Haii, everyone!
I'm really sorry I haven't been updating.
So, I decided since I'm really bad at creating characters, I'm going to have a contest. Everyone, pm me an oc of yours that's a boy. I really appreciate it!!!

Sayonara, Mina!!!


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