Fiery Advice

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"BANANA GUARDS!!!!" You heard a certain princess voice yell. You and Finn pulled away from each other and stared at the pink-skinned princess, tears falling from her eyes and down her cheeks.

Banana guards rushed into the hallway, defenses up. "Take them away." Bubblegum pointed at you and Finn. The banana guards picked you two up and led you to the kingdom gates, where they threw you to the ground. "Sorry Finn. Sorry [y/n]." They all said simultaneously and left.

You laid on the ground and sat up, rubbing your head. That throw made you land on your head, which gave you a MAJOR headache. Your [h/l] [h/c] was covered in leaves and grass.

Finn came over to you and put his hand on you're shoulder. "[y/n]!! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?!" Finn yelled. You hated to admit it, but Finn was worsening your headache.

"Finn, calm down, I'm fine! Just got a little headache." Finn probably got the message so he calmed down and sat on his knees.

"I'm glad it's just that." He said calmly and picked you up. You blushed. He'd done this before but it felt A LOT different than a while ago. You looked up at the sky as Finn carried you when you saw a trail of something red in the sky. It looked like...


You followed the trail through the sun-setting sky as your eyes fell on a glowing person who had beautiful red hair and was walking closer. You barely noticed that Finn stopped walking and stared at her.

"Oh, hey Finn." The fiery girl greeted. "I heard someone confessed to you." Her eyes shot over to you then back at Finn. "Is that her?" Finn nodded. "I see. Finn, can I have some girl time with her? I need to give her some advice." Finn took a minute to decide and nodded.

You walked over to the girl and asked her what her name was. "It's Flame Princess. But you can just call me FP." You nodded.

"My name's [y/n]." You looked at FP and she smiled at you. You smiled back at her. She was very beautiful and pretty, but she had a hint of hurt in her eyes.

"So, [y/n], I just need you to be kinda careful about Finn." She sighed. "I was his ex-girlfriend." You gaped your mouth open, shocked. You never knew Finn had a girlfriend! FP laughed. "But, the reason I want to warn you is because, the reason I broke up with him is, he lied to me. He wanted to see me and IK fight, so he wrote a letter to me, posing as IK, which had things I held personally. So, please be careful and don't be too personal with him."

And with that, she flew away, leaving a second trail of fire in the air.

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