Left Out In The Dust

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As James was cooking, he looked perfectly normal, and when Finn knocked on his door, he didn't want to open it for fear of getting beat up, so he shouted from his window.

"What do you want, Finn?!" He exclaimed. Finn looked closely at his face. He didn't look fazed at all. He actually looked like he was happy. And then Finn heard a call from inside Jason's house.

"James, who is that? Oh James, protect me." It was a girl, much shorter than James, with long black hair and tons of makeup to make her look tan and beautiful. Finn was furious. How could James just move on after [Y/N] died right in front of him?

"It's nothing, Brooklyn. Just an idiot who won't stop bothering me." He said, looking down at the small girl. When he looked back at the ground, he didn't see Finn, so he assumed he left.

When he turned around, Finn was looking straight at him, boiling anger in his eyes. "You..."

Finn lunged for James and they both tumbled to the ground with a large thud. Finn was now crying, and he started punching James. He felt that it was not fair to treat [Y/N] that way.

"You...You can't do that...You can't just leave [Y/N] in the dust after she did so much for you..." Finn said in between punches. "She cooked for you...She did your laundry...She did your chores while you just sat on your ass all day...and for what?!...for you to just leave her out in the dust?!...for you to treat her as if she was just another girl?!...for you to treat her like one of your pawns?!...You can't do that...She did so much for you...I wish I wouldn't have given her up to you..."

Finn finally stopped punching James and finally broke down. He was sobbing, thinking about how he should've loved [Y/N] with all his heart. He shouldn't have given her up, or none of this would've ever happened. She would be by his side.

James finally spoke up.

"It...It's not my fault [Y/N]'s dead. If you would've just kept to your own business she wouldn't have ended up dead. I've moved on..." He said coldly, his eyes deprived from remorse.

Finn realized then. James didn't care about [Y/N]. He only cared about getting over Jennifer. James used [Y/N], tricking himself into thinking he loved her...and that's all that Finn thought about on his way home.

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