I Must Stay...

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Finn ran and ran.

Occasionally riding Jake to make things go faster.

He ran with tears in his eyes, not caring how far away the Ice Cream Kingdom was.

He needed her.

[Time Skip Provided by Onions (who put them there?! ;-;)]

Sitting on the edge of the fountain, you were singing to little ice cream children, and they crowded around you, astonished.

A particular little ice cream boy came up to you, and you stopped singing to talk to him.

"Your singing is very pretty, miss. It's as if you lived it all before. My mommy can sing good like you."

You smiled and picked the child up, sitting him in your lap.

"Oh yeah? And how is your mommy?"

"She's not here anymore. Daddy says she's gone to heaven. She told me when I was little that people who are sad sing beautiful. She told me they are angels who want to go to heaven. I hope I can join her someday!"

You had tears in your eyes.

"Don't cry, miss. You'll be able to get to heaven someday."

You tried to hold back the tears. "Your mommy is very smart. You should go home soon, though. Your daddy will start to worry."

The boy smiled happily and nodded, getting off your lap and running off.

"Oh, and one more thing." The boy stopped and turned around.

"Stay strong."

He smiled even bigger and ran off. As soon as he ran off, someone familiar ran in, and all the children stared at the 15 year old.


You smiled and waved. "What are you doing here?"

He was panting, and when he got his breath back, he replied. "I came here for you."

You kept smiling but then looked down and frowned. "It's too late for that, Finn."

He frowned and his eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean, [Y/N]?!" He exclaimed.

You looked down as tears fell down your cheeks. "I'm sorry, Finn. I have to take care of my little sisters and brothers from now on."

He was crying now, as well.

"I understand."

He ran out, tears trailing behind him, and cried and cried again.

"It's happening. She's leaving me again."

You tucked the children to sleep later that day, feeling sad, but proud for what you had to do.

As you stood in the shower, you thought about everything.

Then...You blacked out...

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