Ch27 - Party On!

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Paige sits on his bed dejectedly, curled up with Teds, recounting the end of the day prior.

"It's later," Paige had said to Leaf once they were home. "What's so important it had to wait until we got home?"

"Don't be so pouty," Leaf had scoffed. "Are you sure you wanna know? I don't think it's the lame excuse you think it is."

"Just tell me. It can't be any worse than you teasing me with not knowing."

"Fine." Leaf looked away, eyes downcast. "Mack... drank a lot."

Paige had frowned. "Okay...?" he said pensively. "What's that got to do with anything? I don't even remember that. So, it's not like seeing someone drinking is gonna set me off or anything."

"But it might set me off, Paige!" Leaf wailed. "Think about it. I haven't been here in what feels like ages. If you've been around drinkers just fine, that's great for you! But the last time I smelled alcohol it was next to our head on the wall!"

In the present, Paige curls up tighter.

"I don't know what I'll do if I get all wacked out in a place full of strangers and loud music and..." Leaf was starting to hyperventilate, causing Paige to do the same. "I don't like not knowing what I'm capable of, Paige! What if I do something more than hide? We were small and helpless when we were young, but now I have the power to fight back!" Leaf was holding himself now. "What if I do something that's dangerous? I already fought someone, what's stopping me from doing it again!?"

"Hey," Leaf thinks. "Stop thinking about that. It's over."

"I just feel like a jerk..." Paige frowns sadly. "I didn't mean to get you all worked up..."

"It's over," Leaf stresses. "Just let it be over."

Paige hums and looks downwards, still thinking about it anyways.

In the past, Leaf still wasn't done with his rant. "And then there's you!" he had continued. "You've got people on your ass who want to fight you! Because of me!" He took a deep breath, clearly fighting back tears. "I'm supposed to be here to help you! But I can't do that if I'm freaking the fuck out and you're being forced into a fight and you're probably drunk because there's no way every drink at that place isn't going to be spiked, and—"

"Leaf!" Paige had yelled, worry in his eyes.

"What?" Leaf had grumbled, still holding back tears.

"I-I'm sorry..." Paige had apologized. "I didn't think about it like that at all..."

"No," Leaf had huffed sadly, "You didn't."

"We... we don't have to go," Paige had sighed. "I wanted to meet my admirer really bad, but not if it's gonna make you feel so awful." He had glanced at his hands, turning them around slowly. "Besides, you're probably right. I don't know how to fight and I wouldn't ask you to do it for me again, especially if you're already panicking so bad."

Leaf had loosened his hold on himself a bit. "...Really?"

"Really," Paige assured. "I'll just... I'll tell the Crew and stay home, I guess."

"...Thanks," Leaf said quietly.

"Of course, Lee," Paige waved off. "Don't mention it."

"...Lee?" Leaf had asked. "Is—is that supposed to be me?"

"Do you not like it?" Paige had asked. "I don't have to—"

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