Pretty Girls

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Ophelia has dumped most of her clothing on the floor and is now lying on her back with her arms and legs stretched out looking up at her expensive Crystal chandelier. This is hopeless, she is hopeless. "Ooh, looks like a hurricane has gone through here," she hears Rod's voice come from the closet doorway. She sits up and looks at her, Lacy and Aubrey behind her. "Well I know what I will be doing with my evening," Aubrey says with a chuckle as she picks up a pastel pink dress and puts it back on its hanger. "Oh, please don't. I will clean up this terrible mess myself," Ophelia says. Aubrey shrugs and picks up a shirt. "Oh, I don't mind. Besides, it's my job," she says. "What, if I may ask, is the problem?" Rod asks. Ophelia stands and holds up a skirt. "This. I can't be seen in public in this next to someone like Austin," she says sadly. "What is that?" Lacy asks. "It's a pale yellow organ skirt," Ophelia answers. "My grandmother has one of those," Aubrey says, picking up a few more shirts. "I think we need to get you a stylist," Rod says. "On it," Lacy says already scrolling through her phone. "Thank you, but what do I wear tonight?" Ophelia says looking around her cupboard. "What about what Rod is wearing?" Aubrey asks looking at Rod. Rod looks down at her dress and then up at Ophelia. "It's just a black slip dress, hardly suitable for dinner," she says. "Well it's better than this," Aubrey says holding up a pale purple shirt with a kitten's face on it. Lacy nods. "Ok," Rod says, shrugging. Then she grabs the hem of her dress and whips it off. Ophelia stares at her body, it's amazing and she is so confident. Rod hands her the dress and takes the skirt, putting it on then takes the purple shirt from Aubrey and puts that on too. She makes them look good - how does she do that? "Well go on, put the dress on," Lacy says. "Could...could you all turn around, please?" Ophelia asks. They do, and Ophelia is thankful they don't make a fuss. She takes off her dressing gown and slips the dress on. It's tight and hugs her body. She "Ok you can turn around now," she says then stands, shy, as they all turn around. Aubrey and Lacy's mouths drop open. "Geeze, Ophelia, where have you been hiding that banger of a body?" Rod asks, surprised. "Here, put these shoes on," Lacy says taking off her black stilettos. Ophelia puts them on then stands and waits for their laughter, but it never comes. "What's taking so-...fucking hell! Baby! You look fucking amazing! Shit!" Austin says coming into the closet. "Ask me to fuck you, please," he begs. "You are such a dog," Rod says from beside him. Austin turns to look at her then screws his face up. "What the fuck are you wearing, you old hag," he says then starts laughing. "Piss off, it's actually very comfortable," Rod says. "Anyway, enough of that. Baby? You ready?" he asks looking at Ophelia. She nods and steps forward, having to steady herself a little in the heels. "Actually. Just wait one second...nobody fuck her while I am gone," he says then runs out. Two minutes later he runs back in then places her pearl necklace carefully around her neck. "There you go... don't change everything about you. I like the old Ophelia," he says softly. Ophelia tries to hide her grin but she can't.

They make their way out of the closet and to the top of the stairs, but then Ophelia stops. "Oh, I don't think I can walk down the stairs in these," she confesses. "Give them here and I'll carry them," Austin says taking the heels. They walk halfway down and then stop when they see Oliver at the bottom of the stairs holding broken pieces of that ugly gold vase. "I, uh...just tapped it...sorry," he says. "It's ok. I hated it," Ophelia replies. Oliver then looks past her and drops the broken vase pieces on the floor, smashing them further but he takes no notice. "What are you wearing, Rod?" he asks. Rod walks down the stairs and then stops a few steps below Ophelia and Austin. "It's comfortable," she says smoothing out the yellow material. "Oooh, it looks comfortable," Oliver says stepping over the broken vase pieces and reaching for the skirt. "Does it look alright?" she asks. "It has a kitten on it and it's soft," Oliver says running his hand over the material on Rod. "You look hot!" he says and then grabs her. "What is happening?" Austin hisses to Ophelia. "I have no idea," Ophelia whispers back. "I like you in this very much," Oliver says. "You do?" Rod asks a little surprised. "Yessss. I want to do so many things," he says then throws her over his shoulder, slapping her ass, and she giggles. "Ride or die, baby! Ride or fucking die!" he shouts then runs down the passage and out the front door. "Well, that was disturbing...hope you don't want that skirt back. it will be dirty," Austin says screwing up his face. "Where are they going?" Ophelia asks as they start walking again. "With the things they are going to do to that skirt and that poor kitten, they are going straight to hell," Austin says. Ophelia giggles as Austin bends down and puts her shoes back on. "Alright baby, you look fuckable, I me - let's go," he says taking her hand, but Ophelia digs her heels in and stops him. He looks back at her in surprise. "What's up?" he asks. "D-Don't be mad, ok? But...I am a lady...can you use another word to describe how I look...please?" she asks. "I am not mad, baby. Ok, you look beautiful, glamorous, ravishing, and...sweet," he says touching her pearls. "Thank you and you look very handsome, charming, and drop-dead gorgeous," Ophelia says. Austin grins. "Charming uh? What about fuckable?" he asks. "And fff - fantastical," she says grinning. "One day, baby, one day I am going to get you to say all the swear words," he laughs.

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